
冬小麦及其叶片发育积温需求研究 被引量:34

Experimental Research on Thermal Requirement for Winter Wheat and Its Leaves
摘要 研究了田间冬小麦不同生育阶段和不同叶位叶片生长发育的积温需求。结果表明 :在不同年份和不同水分、播期条件下 ,品种邯 4 5 6 4和邯 5 316完成整个的生活周期所需的积温差异很大 ,但在 180 0~2 30 0℃ .d均可正常成熟 ,适时播种水肥适宜条件下为 2 2 0 0℃ .d左右 ;开花到成熟期的积温占小麦全生育期积温的 1/ 3~ 1/ 4 ;叶片的出叶积温为 70~ 10 0℃ .d,比较稳定 ,多为 90℃ .d;返青后出现的叶片的出叶积温略大于冬前叶的出叶积温。叶片功能期的积温随该叶片在主茎上叶位的升高而逐渐增大 :适时播种则第一片叶的功能期积温为 30 0~ 4 5 0℃ .d,旗叶的功能期积温 90 0~ 110 0℃ .d,而倒 2、倒 3叶功能期积温略高于旗叶。水、肥缺乏和灌溉咸水均使小麦提前成熟 。 The thermal requirement for wheat development in different staees and for its leaf growth in different location was studied based on field experiments. It was found that the thermal requirement from anthesis to maturity stage generally covers one third to one forth of the total ( T sum ), which varies from 1800 to 2300℃·d, and was generally 2200℃·d under suitable soil water and fertility conditions if sowed in time. The phyllochron for different leaves is generally stable, which varies from 70~100℃·d and is about 90℃·d for most leaves. Thermal requirement for assimilatione active stage of a leaf increases along with the ascending of position on the main stem, the scope is 300~450℃·d and 900~1100℃·d for the first and last leaf respectively if sowed in time. Wheat would mature earlier if water, salt and/or nitrogen stress existed, as a result, the thermal requirement for wheat and leaves decreased correspondingly.
出处 《中国农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期14-19,共6页 Journal of China Agricultural University
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划资助项目 (G19990 1170 9) 荷兰 SAIL 基金会中荷合作资助项目 (SAIL- SPP2 99.399)
关键词 冬小麦 叶片发育 积温需求 发育阶段 winter wheat thermal requirement development stage leaf
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