丁苯透明抗冲树脂具有良好的透光性和抗冲击性 ,有广泛的用途。在对 5kt/a规模的装置进行了经济效益、盈亏平衡、不确定性及敏感性等技术经济指标分析后 ,认为 5kt/a的规模虽然还没有达到经济规模 ,但该项目风险不很大 ,可以考虑。
Transparent butadiene-styrene impact resin is possessed of good light transmittance and impact resistance,and has broad applications. After analyzing the techno-economic indicators (such as economic benefit,break-even point,uncertainty,and sensitivity) of the plant with capacity of 5 kt/a,it is realized that although this size of plant does not reach the scale economy yet,it can be constructed with no big risk.
Techno-Economics in Petrochemicals