
Glycoprotein Ⅲa gene polymorphisms and risk for coronary artery disease in CHinese Urumqi Uygur and Han population

摘要 Objective:To determine whether a variant(Pl^A2)of the membrane glycoprotein Ⅲa(GP Ⅲa)gene is associated with CAD,Furthermore,the association of the polymorphism with the classical risk factors was analyzed.Methods:Blood was drawn from 105 patients(pt) and 56 controls,some of those undergoing angiography,A 266 base pair fragment of the GP Ⅲa gene was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction(PCR) and digestewd with the MspI restriction enzyme.Genotypes were identified after electrophoresis of digestion products in 2.0% a-garose gel.Results:Of the 105 patients(pt). 65 had acute (n=19) or previous MI,20 had unstable angina (UAP),and 20 had stable angina(SAP) .The Pl^A2 allele was carried by 0% of CAD pt versus 7.7% of Non-CAD control subjects in Uygur population.The Pl^A2 allele was found in 0% of CAD pt versus 0% of Non-CAD control subjects in Han population.Conclusions:the Pl^A2 variant of the gene GP Ⅲa is not associated with CAD in Uygur population and Han population in Urunqi city of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 2002年第21期3294-3295,共2页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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