IPv6 具备快速便捷、可控可管可溯源的优势,能够有效解决IPv4 网络地址消耗殆尽、服务质量难以保证等制约性问题,是全球公认的下一代互联网演进解决方案。本文主要探讨互联网应用之门户网站在IPv6升级改造中的部署方案和注意事项。
IPv6 has the advantages of fast,convenient,controllable and traceable. It can effectively solve the constraints of exhaustion of IPv4 network addresses and the difficulty of guaranteeing service quality. It is a globally recognized solution for the next generation of Internet evolution. This paper mainly discusses the deployment plan and matters needing attention of WWW of Internet application in IPv6 upgrade and transformation.
Digital Communication World