
基于15N示踪的库尔勒香梨园氮素去向研究 被引量:7

Fertilizer nitrogen fate in korla fragrant pear orchard using 15N tracing method
摘要 [目的]研究库尔勒香梨对15N 肥料的利用、转移规律,探讨肥料在土壤和树体之间的氮素循环过程。[方法]采用15N 同位素示踪技术,以 6 年生库尔勒香梨为供试材料,在新疆维吾尔自治区库尔勒市恰尔巴格乡下和什巴格村 5 队进行田间微区试验,每株均匀施入普通尿素 N 667 g 与 15N-尿素 N 10 g,其中 60%在果树萌芽前施用,剩余 40%在膨果前期追施。分析库尔勒香梨从萌芽前期至果实成熟期氮素利用、土壤氮素残留及氮素气态损失特征。[结果]1)随着生育时期推移,库尔勒香梨树体的生长中心不断变换,盛花期至新梢旺长期,树体的生长由根转换为叶和根两个中心;在果实膨大期和果实成熟期,则转化为根、果实和叶三个中心。库尔勒香梨氮肥利用率随生育期的推进而不断提高,在果实成熟期达到最大为 18.5%。2) 0 120 cm 土壤剖面中 NO3 -N 和 NH4+-N 残留量随着土层深度的增加逐渐减少,0 60 cm 土层残留量显著高于 60 120 cm 土层。随着生育期推移,土壤剖面中 NO3^-N 和 NH4^+-N 残留率不断减小,在果实成熟期残留率最低,分别为 13.9%和8.41%,无机氮残留率为 22.31%。3)土壤氮素损失中,氨挥发和 N2O 排放量仅为总损失量的 4.19%,其中主要以氨挥发为主。[结论]氮肥回收率随生育期的推进(除果实膨大期)不断减小,于果实成熟期达到最小为41.0%;损失率与回收率趋势相反,在果实成熟期损失率高达 59.0%。萌芽前期至果实成熟期氮肥去向表现为氮肥损失>土壤残留>树体吸收。 【Objectives】15N isotope tracer technology was used in this paper to study the use and transfer of fertilizer N in Korla fragrant pear trees and the fate of fertilizer N after applied into soil, to increase the understanding of the nitrogen cycle of fertilizer N in soil and tree body.【Methods】Six years’old Korla fragrant pear trees were used as the tested materials, a field mini-plot test was conducted in Team 5, Shibagh Village, Chabag Township of Korla City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Conventional urea N 667 g and 15N-urea N 10 g were applied in each pear tree, 60% of them being applied at the early budding stage and 40% at the early fruit expanding stage. The nitrogen utilization by pear trees, the soil nitrogen residual and nitrogen gas loss were analyzed from the early bud stage to the fruit harvest stage.【Results】1) With the growth stages advancing, the growth center of fragrant pear trees kept changing. Before blooming, the growth center accounted only in roots, and from the full-bloom to the new shoot growing stage, the centers were in both leaves and roots, and from the fruit expansion to fruit harvest stage they were in roots, fruits and leaves. With the development of pear trees, the utilization rate of fertilizer N was increased gradually with the advancing growing stager, with the maximum value of 18.5% at fruit harvest stage. 2) The residual amounts of NO3 –-N and NH4 +-N within the 0–120 cm soil profile decreased gradually, the deeper the less, and the residual amounts of NO3 –-N and NH4 +-N in the 0–60 cm soil layer were much higher than those in 60–120 cm soil layer. With the growth stage, the residual rates of NO3^–-N and NH4^+-N decreased in the soil profile, and the residual rate was the lowest at the fruit harvest stage with 13.9% and 8.41% respectively. The residual rate of inorganic nitrogen was 22.31%. 3) The total amount of ammonia volatilization and N2O emission accounted only 4.19% for the soil nitrogen loss, and ammonia volatilization was the predominant
作者 王前登 刘雪艳 何雪菲 王成 柴仲平 WANG Qian-deng;LIU Xue-yan;HE Xue-fei;WANG Cheng;CHAI Zhong-ping(College of Pratacultural and Environmental Sciences, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China;Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Soil and Plant Ecological Process, Urumqi 830052, China)
出处 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第9期1523-1531,共9页 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31460548) 新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金面上项目(2017D01A38) 新疆维吾尔自治区科技人才培养项目(QN2016YX0670)
关键词 库尔勒香梨 15N-尿素 氮素吸收 氮素损失 氮素去向 Korla fragrant pear 15N- urea nitrogen absorption nitrogen loss nitrogen fate
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