
云南省缺水程度研究及其对水土保持的需求分析 被引量:2

Analysis on the Water Shortage Degree & Requirement of Soil Conservation in Yunnan Province
摘要 云南省特殊的地形条件决定了其水资源空间分布极不均匀。本文从生态角度出发,分析云南省各州(市)水资源丰缺程度及缺水地区,研究缺水地区对水土保持的需求分析。水资源丰缺程度评价以人均水资源量、单位面积土地水资源占有量、人均供水量3个变量构建云南省水资源综合指数,用该指数评判水资源丰缺程度,结果表明:除人口密度小、人均水资源量巨大的怒江州、迪庆州、德宏州和西双版纳州不缺水外,其余12个州(市)都表现为缺水,其中资源性缺水在滇中、岩溶石漠化地区最为突出,工程性缺水全省普遍存在。云南省缺水地区的水土保持需求应突出保水、蓄水作用,着重建设坡面水系及小型水利水保工程,植树造林,提高林草覆盖率,有效调节地表径流。 Unique terrain conditions of Yunnan Province result in the extremely uneven distribution of the water resources.From the aspect of the ecology,it was analyzed the water resources abundance and shortage in various prefectures and cities,and the requirement of the soil conservation in the water shortage areas.Three variable quantities including the water resources per capita,water resources occupation in unit land area and water supply per capita,were used as the composite indexes of water resources for the evaluation of the abundance and shortage of water resources in Yunnan Province.The results show that,except the Nujiang,Diqing,Dehong and Xishuangbanna prefectures with the low population density and huge water resources,the rest 12 prefectures or cities all have the problems of water shortage.Of which,the resource-based water shortage problems are more prominent in the middle part of Yunnan Province and the Karst rocky desertification area.The engineering water shortage problems are popular in the whole Province.Soil and water conservation requirement in the water shortage areas should be focused on the water conservation and storage,giving high priority to the construction of slope water system and small hydropower and water conservation projects with the plantation of the forest so as to increase the forest and grass coverage and effectively regulate the ground runoff.
作者 杨学智 朱艳艳 姜宏雷 Yang Xuezhi;Zhu Yanyan;Jiang Honglei(Xiuchuan Environmental Engineering Technical Co. Ltd. of Yunnan Province,Kunming Municipality of Yunnan Province,650021)
出处 《亚热带水土保持》 2019年第3期19-24,55,共7页 Subtropical Soil and Water Conservation
关键词 水资源丰缺程度 缺水、严重缺水地区 水土保持需求 云南省 water resources abundance and shortage degree areas with problems of water shortage and serious water shortage soil and water conservation requirement Yunnan Province
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