

Preliminary Analysis on Derivative Arbitration
摘要 当公司或合伙企业的权益受到侵害时,如果未能协商解决,公司或合伙企业通常可以通过诉讼或仲裁程序来维护自身权益。若由于某种原因,例如管理层怠于履行职责,或违约方是公司的大股东,或侵权人是执行事务合伙人的亲属,公司或合伙企业未能行使自身诉权,法律规定具有一定资格的股东或合伙人有权以自身名义提起派生诉讼,并将诉讼结果归属于公司或合伙企业。但若公司或合伙企业与争议对方之间存在仲裁协议,则法院将难以受理派生诉讼。这种情况下,仲裁机构能否受理股东或合伙人以自身名义对争议相对方提起的仲裁,我国法律没有作出明确的规定,实践中则存在截然不同的处理方式。比照派生诉讼的概念,本文将该种情况下的仲裁称为派生仲裁,并对我国法律体系和司法实践中派生仲裁的现状进行了论述。 Corporations or partnerships are able to realize their legal rights through lawsuit or arbitration proceedings when their legal rights and interests are infringed, if it’s unavailable for an effective negotiation between parties in dispute. For some reasons, e.g. the management fails to perform its fiduciary duty, or the breaching party is the major shareholder of the corporation, or the infringer is a relative of the managing partner, which prevent corporations or partnerships from exercising their right of action, the laws provide that qualified shareholders or partners are entitled to bring a derivative action in their own name, and the consequence of the lawsuits belongs to the corporations or partnerships directly. But, if there is an arbitration agreement between the corporation( or partnership) and the other party in dispute, Chinese courts will not accept such a derivative lawsuit application. Under such a circumstance, on the one hand, there is no clear provision on whether arbitral institutes could accept the arbitration application by shareholders or partners against infringers in their own name;on the other hand, different arbitral institutes have taken totally different approaches to this problem. Therefore, using the notion of “derivative lawsuit” for reference, this article will describe such an arbitration proceeding as“ derivative arbitration” and discuss about the current situation of derivative arbitration under Chinese legal system and judicial practices.
作者 崔强 Cui Qiang
出处 《北京仲裁》 2019年第2期121-132,共12页 Beijing Arbitration Quarterly
关键词 派生仲裁 派生诉讼 中小投资者权益保护 derivative arbitration derivative lawsuit protection of minority investors’ rights and interests
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