
云南少数民族当代土陶产品样式研究 被引量:2

On the Style of Contemporary Earthenware Made by Ethnic Minorities in Yunnan Province
摘要 本文是《云南少数民族当代土陶设计文化研究》的前期成果。通过对白族、傣族、彝族、藏族制陶的调研资料,根据土陶功能将其划分为:实用功能对应与精神功能延伸两大部分。通过实用功能中少数民族与水、与食、与生活相关的杂器,精神功能中祭祀用品与装饰产品的分析,来构成云南少数民族当代土陶的产品体系。笔者由2014年冬、2015年夏、秋至2017年春季、2019年春季对云南少数民族制陶点进行调研,走访滇东北、滇东南、滇西三条路线,考察内容包括产品样式、制陶点现状、工艺流程、自然地域、民族文化、民俗习惯、土陶的使用方式、销售市场、购买人群等相关情况,结合其他专家学者对云南陶器的研究成果,对云南少数民族当代土陶尽可能做到全面的认识。云南少数民族地区,如今还在制作土陶的有大理白族自治州凤仪镇敬天村、剑川县甸南镇天马村与上登村的白族;迪庆藏族自治州香格里拉县尼西乡汤堆村都吉古村的藏族;普洱市澜沧拉祜族自治县上允镇下允村、孟连傣族拉祜族佤族自治县那允镇,临沧市双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县那落村,西双版纳傣族自治州曼斗与曼阁村,红河哈尼族彝族自治州红河县勐龙乡坝蒿村、元阳县那里村,玉溪市新平彝族傣族自治县嘎洒镇等地的傣族1;玉溪市元江哈尼族彝族自治县大水平村、曲靖市会泽县华泥寨、普洱市镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县民江南丘的彝族。这些少数民族地区还能看到土陶的文化生态,同时也能看到正在努力创新发展的少数民族制陶产业。 The paper is part of the research "On the Design Culture of Contemporary Earthenware Made by Ethnic Minorities in Yunnan Province". Based on the fieldwork of the pottery-making sites among the minority groups of Bai, Dai, Yi and Tibetan, the functions of earthenware can be categorized as utilitarian function and spiritual function. The paper attempts to construct a system of contemporary earthenware made by ethnic minorities in Yunnan province by analyzing utilitarian vessels serving water and food and other household vessels, and spiritual vessels such as ritual vessels and decorative products. I visited many pottery-making sites of ethnic minorities in Yunnan province in the winter 2014, summer and autumn 2015, spring 2017 and 2019 along three routes covering northeast, southeast and west of Yunnan province. The investigation includes products style, current situation of pottery-making sites, technological process, physical geography, ethnic culture, folk customs, methods of using earthenware, sales market and target consumers. Research concerning Yunnan earthenware done by other scholars is also considered to achieve as comprehensive an understanding of contemporary earthenware made by ethnic minorities in Yunnan province as possible.Now the minority groups who still make earthenware include Bai people in Jingtian village, Fengyi town of Dali Bai autonomous prefecture and Tianma village and Shangdeng village, Diannan town of Jianchuan county; Tibetan in Tangdui village and Duji ancient village of Nixi town, Shangri-la county of Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture; Dai people in Xiayun village, Shangyun town of Lancang Lahu autonomous county and Nayun town of Menglian autonomous county of Dai, Lahu and Wa nationalities in Puer city, Naluo village of Shuangjiang autonomous county of Lahu, Wa, Bulang and Dai nationalities in Lincang city, Mandou and Mange villages of Xishuangbanna Dai autonomous prefecture, Bahao village, Mentlong town of Honghe county and Nali village of Yuanyang county in Honghe autonomous pre
作者 赖军 Lai jun(Yunnan Arts University,yunnan City, 650000)
出处 《陶瓷研究》 2019年第3期61-71,共11页 Ceramic Studies
关键词 云南 少数民族 土陶产品 ethnic minorities in Yunnan province earthenware product
分类号 J.01 [艺术]
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