Color is one of the critical morphological featu res of soils, which can be used as a basic index or proxy to reveal numerous soil physical and chemical properties, processes and functions. Soil color is unive rsally expressed by the Munsell color system, and detected by the visual sense through the match of soil samples with the soil standard charts. However, the err ors and bias in soil color readily occur using the current method due to the constrain of the difference in individual vision and variation in optical environme nt. An objective, quantitative and rapid method to determine the soil Munsell co lor is urgent to be invented. Here, with the combination of color measurement using the colorimeter, automatic calculation and linear interpolation between the adjacent Value (V) isoplanes, a procedure for the conversion of CIE color to Munsell color was proposed to obt ain the soil color conveniently, rapidly and precisely. This protocol includes:(1) CIELAB color values of the samples are measured by the colorimeter;and (2) the color coordinates and the Munsell V values are computed automatically with the program in Python language on a base of the knowledge of the conversion between CIE and Munsell color systems;and (3) the linear interpolation between the a djacent V isoplanes and color conversion chart are employed to assign the Munsel l Hue (H) and Chroma (C). 419 color chips from Munsell Soil Color Chart of China and 22 soil and paleosol samples were used to validate the protocol. The Munsel l H values of 12 chips using our procedure were different from those in Munsell Soil Color Chart of China, and the measured accuracy reached 97%. Meanwhile, the correlation coefficients in Munsell V and C between the measured values and sta ndard values were 0.987 ( p <0.001) and 0.976 ( p <0.001), respectively, exhibiting a robust significance. For the soil and paleosol samples, the difference in Munsell H between the measured values using our protocol and judged by v isual sense is least while a discrepancy in Munsel
YUE Zhi-hui;HUANG Qiang;XIAO Li;LI Jun;HUANG Cheng-min(Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China;State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China)
Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis