目的观察针灸、康复训练联合对中风偏瘫患者疾病症状转归的影响。方法用“双盲法”将2016年9月-2018年6月在本院接受治疗的100例中风偏瘫患者分为50例/组。对照组:康复训练;观察组:康复训练结合针灸治疗。比较疗效和功能恢复情况。结果观察组总有效率(94.00%)高于对照组(80.00%),三个月后观察组患者的运动功能评分(64.56±3.38 分)、日常生活能力(75.63±3.30 分)都高于对照组患者(P < 0.05)。结论在康复训练的基础上,配合中医针灸治疗,可以很好的改善中风偏瘫患者疾病症状,逐渐恢复身体功能。
Objective To observe the effects of acupuncture and rehabilitation training on the outcome of disease symptoms in patients with hemiplegia due to stroke. Methods One hundred stroke patients with hemiplegia who were treated in our hospital from 2016. September to August 2016 were divided into 50 patients/group. Control group: rehabilitation training, observation group: rehabilitation training combined with acupuncture treatment. Compare efficacy and functional recovery. Results The total effective rate of the observation group (94.00%) was higher than that of the control group (80.00%). After three months, the motor function scores (64.56±3.38 points) and daily living ability (75.63±3.30 points) were higher in the observation group. Patients in the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion On the basis of rehabilitation training, combined with traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture treatment, it can improve the symptoms of stroke patients with hemiplegia and gradually restore the body function.
ZHANG Hulei(Department of Pain Rehabilitation, Third People's Hospitalof Jingzhou, Jingzhou Hubei 434000, China)
China Continuing Medical Education