1Uwe Ewert. Film replacement by digital X-ray detectors - The correct procedure and equipment. 16th World con- ference of NDT, Montreal, August 30th - September 03rd,2004. 被引量:1
2Bavendiek K. New digital radiography procedure exceeds film sensitivity considerably in aerospace application. 9thECNDT, Berlin, 25 - 29. 9. 2006, ProceedingsCD, NDTNETpublication. http://www, ndt. net/article/ee- ndt2006/doc/TH. 3.2.1. pdf. 被引量:1
3Uwe Zscherpel. Possibilities and limits of digital indus- trial radiology - The new high contrast sensitivity tech- nique - Examples and system theoretical analysis. In- ternational symposium on digital industrial radiology and computed tomography, June 25-27,2007, Lyon, France. 被引量:1
4Uwe Ewert. Strategies for film replacement in radio- graphy -a comparative study. PANNDT 2007, 22nd- 26th OCT. 2007, Buenos Aires, Argentina, NDT. NET publication. 被引量:1
5Uwe Ewert. Strategies for film replacement in radio- graphy - films and digital detectors in comparison. 17th World conference on nondestructive testing, 25-28 Oct 2008, Shanghai, China. 被引量:1
6Uwe Zscherpel. Strategies for film replacement in radio- graphy -Approches used in the new standards. Interna- tional symposium on digital industrial radiology and com- puted tomography,20-22 June 2011 ,Berlin,Germany. 被引量:1
7Uwe Ewert. Essential parameters and conditions for op- timum image quality in digital radiology. 18th World conference on nondestructive testing, 16-20 April 2012, Durban, South Africa. 被引量:1