
三菱海运的崛起与近代日本的海外扩张及海权意识 被引量:3

The Rise of Mitsubishi Shipping and Modern Japan’s Expanding Overseas and Sea Power Consciousness
摘要 日本在近代化过程中萌生的海权意识是历史发展到特定阶段的产物。明治政府为转移国内政治危机而决意出兵台湾,但汽船匮乏给军需输送带来的羁绊与三菱会社的积极参与,让政府认识到“民办”海运公司的发展潜力及其对国家的强烈依附欲。沿海航权的顺利收回,加之此后的西南战争,促使三菱迅速实现了对国内海运业的垄断。政府出面干预,对其政策由之前的扶持转为管控,最终促成三菱与共同运输合并成立了日本邮船会社,并顺势将海运公司控制于股掌之间,使之沦为国家对外侵略扩张的工具。日本此后会走上对外侵略扩张之路,明治初期海运公司与政府的“邂逅”以及此后的“互动”是不可忽视的因素。结果,国家对海权的追求成就了公司的海运事业,而公司的海运垄断又促使国家不得不采取措施对其加以管控。“公司发展海运”和“国家发展海权”由此成为密不可分的利益共同体,彼此间交织形成的这种既相互利用又相互角力的双重关系,其实质是政府与公司这对陷入各自利益和权力逻辑怪圈的对手共同推动对外侵略扩张的互利共生关系。 The consciousness of sea power conceived in Japan during the time of modernization because the history had entered a certain period.Meiji government decided to send troops to Taiwan so as to shift the attention of domestic political crisis to overseas.However,the lack of steamship made military supplies become difficult,and the positive participating of Mitsubishi Company made the government understand the potentialities of privately run shipping company and how this kind of company hoped to attach to government.When the coastal navigation right had been taken back smoothly,and with the end of Southwest War,Mitsubishi Company had succeeded in cornering domestic shipping industry,which having Meiji government change its policy of Mitsubishi from supporting to controlling,and lastly Mitsubishi Company was combined with Kyodounyu Company into a new company named NYK Line,which was controlled entirely by the government,and was used by the government as a tool for its invading from then on.It could not be ignored when looking for the reason why Japanese government had chosen invading as its policy that the shipping company had encountered the government and be related in a certain way in the early time of Meiji Era.It is the government's pursuing of sea power that made Mitsubishi Company succeeded in shipping industry,while it is also the company's cornering of shipping industry that made the government decide to develop sea power by controlling the company,combing "Company's developing shipping industry,,with "Government's developing sea power" into an interest community.The shipping company and the government were helping each other as well as countering each other.The relation between them is actually a kind of mutualism relationship constructed by government and company as opponents,falling in their each vicious circle of seeking power and benefit,pushing forward the invading war.
作者 姜春洁 Jiang Chunjie
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第8期146-160,共15页 Journal of Social Sciences
基金 教育部人文社科规划基金项目“日本近代国家形成期海运与海权的关系研究”(项目编号:18YJA770013)的阶段性成果
关键词 近代日本 海外扩张 三菱 海运 海权 Modern Japan Expand Overseas JVHtsubishi Shipping Sea Power
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