目的 探讨采用PDCA循环规范低年资护士在糖尿病患者发生低血糖后的处理方法及效果。方法 应用PDCA对内分泌科低年资护士在糖尿病患者发生低血糖后的处理流程进行质量控制和方法改进,通过查阅实施PDCA前201例和实施后186例低血糖患者的护理记录、低血糖登记簿,比较实施前后低年资护士对糖尿病患者低血糖规范处理的效果。结果 实施PDCA后,护士的“规范指导患者进食”从29.4%提高至85.1%,“规范指导患者加餐”从5.5%提高至52.2%,“规范复测血糖时间”从30.8%提高至83.1%,“规范护理记录”从50.7%提高至82.1%。患者对护士低血糖处理的满意度较PDCA前明显提高。结论 PDCA能提高低护士规范处理低血糖的效果,提高患者对护士低血糖处理的满意度。
Objective To explore the method and1 effect of using PDCA to improve nurses' standardized treatment after hypoglycemia in diabetic patients. Methods PDCA for endocrine nurse in diabetic hypoglycemia post-treatment process quality control and improvement method, refer to the implementation of 201 cases before and after implementation of 186 patients with hypoglycemia nursing record register, hypoglycemia, compared before and after the implementation of the nurse specification of hypoglycaemia in patients with diabetes treatment effect. Results After the PDCA was implemented, the nurse's "guidelines for patient feeding" increased from 29.4% to 85.1%,"the regulation of the patients" increased from 5.5% to 52.2%, the "double blood sugar time regulation" increased from 30.8% to 83.1, and "standardized nursing records" increased from 50.7% to 82.1%.The patient’s satisfaction with the hypoglycemia treatment of the nurse was higher than that before PDCA intervention. Conclusion PDCA can improve the nurse specification to deal with the effect of low blood sugar, improve patient satisfaction of nurses processing of hypoglycaemia.