
能量密度和壁面温度对爆震影响的试验研究 被引量:3

Experimental Research on the Effects of Energy Density and Wall Temperature on Knock
摘要 基于一台快速压缩机(RCM)试验平台开展了能量密度和壁面温度及其相互作用对异辛烷/空气和正庚烷/空气混合气爆震强度的影响。研究结果发现:随着能量密度和壁面温度的提高,两种燃料的爆震强度均显著提高。对于异辛烷/空气混合气,能量密度对爆震强度的影响随着壁面温度的升高显著增强,且壁面温度对爆震强度的影响也随着能量密度的升高而显著增强。而正庚烷/空气混合气基本不存在上述关系,其爆震强度一直处于较高水平。这说明能量密度和壁面温度对不同反应活性燃料爆震强度影响规律有所差异。 The effect of energy density and wall temperature and their interaction on the knock intensity of isooctane/air and n-heptane/air mixtures was investigated on a rapid compression machine. Results show that with the increase of energy density and wall temperature, the knock intensity of both fuels increases significantly. For isooctane/air mixture, the effect of energy density on knock intensity is significantly enhanced with the increase of wall temperature. Moreover, the influence of wall temperature on knock intensity is also significantly enhanced with the increase of energy density. However, the n-heptane/air mixture basically does not have the above relationship, and its knock intensity is always at a higher level, which indicates that the energy density and wall temperature have different influence on the knock intensity for different active fuels.
作者 胡祯 卫海桥 潘家营 马国斌 商艺宝 刘昌文 HU Zhen;WEI Haiqiao;PAN Jiaying;MA Guobin;SHANG Yibao;LIU Changwen(State Key Laboratory of Engines, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China)
出处 《内燃机工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期1-7,共7页 Chinese Internal Combustion Engine Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(91641203,51706152) 国家重点研发项目(2017YFE0102800) 天津市自然基金项目(18JCQNJC0750,17JCZDJC31500)~~
关键词 快速压缩机 能量密度 壁面温度 爆震强度 rapid compression machine energy density wall temperature knock intensity
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