
基于专利和论文的药物关联分析 被引量:1

Patents and papers-based analysis of links between drugs
摘要 目的:分析上市抗心绞痛药物的研究发展情况及其潜在适应症与候选疾病。方法:通过Cortellis数据库检索得到51种抗心绞痛上市药物,对相关文献及专利进行计量分析,对药物与物质、疾病、基因/蛋白质的关联数据进行共现可视化分析。结果:通过对抗心绞痛上市药物的分析发现,专利及文献数量在药物上市前后快速增长,论文的研究领域主要集中在心脏与心血管系统、药理学和药剂学两方面。药物上市后对药物制剂专利及制备方法专利的申请具有明显的促进作用。在药物-物质、药物-疾病、药物-基因/蛋白质的共现分析中,越接近核心区域的物质、基因、疾病越有可能与抗心绞痛药物存在更为紧密的关系,从而为寻找潜在的抗心绞痛药物或药物适应症提供参考。结论:将文献、专利计量分析与文献内容的数据挖掘分析相结合探讨药物的研发过程,可以发现药物在不同研发阶段的知识基础及侧重点以及发现药物的候选疾病,为该药物的后续研究和专利研发提供参考。 Objective To analyze the R&D of market available anti-angina drugs,and their potential indications and candidate diseases.Methods Fifty-one market available anti-angina drugs were retrieved from Cortellis Database.The papers and patents on these anti-angina drugs were analyzed by metric analysis.The data in relation with anti-angina drugs/substances,diseases,gene/protein were analyzed by co-occurrence analysis and visualization analysis respectively.Results The analysis of market available anti-angina drugs showed that the number of patents and papers on market available anti-angina drugs increased rapidly before and after they were available on market.The papers were centralized on heart,cardiovascular system,pharmacology and pharmacy.The market available anti-angina drugs could significantly promote the application of pharmaceutical preparation patents and preparation method patents.The co-occurrence analysis revealed that drug-substance,drug-disease,drug-gene/protein in the core field were closely related with anti-angina drugs,which can thus provide reference for finding the potential anti-angina drugs.Conclusion Application of literature analysis and patent metric analysis combined with literature data mining in R&D of drugs can show the basic and key knowledge in different R&D processes of drugs and the candidate diseases of drugs,which can thus provide reference for the coming R&D of drugs and patents.
作者 李沛鑫 杜建 郭倩影 王雪 唐小利 LI Pei-xin;DU Jian;GUO Qian-ying;WANG Xue;TANG Xiao-li(Institute of Medical Information,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences/Beijing Union Medical College,Beijing 100005,China)
出处 《中华医学图书情报杂志》 CAS 2019年第4期1-9,共9页 Chinese Journal of Medical Library and Information Science
基金 中国医学科学院医学与健康科技创新工程“医学科技创新评价与卫生服务体系构建研究”(2016-I2M-3-018)
关键词 上市药物 计量分析 知识发现 心绞痛 抗心绞痛药物 Market available drugs Metric analysis Knowledge discovery Angina Anti-angicnadrugs
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