2[3]Fredrik Barth, Role Dilemma and Father-son Dominance in Middle Eastern Kinship Systems in Features of Person and Society in Swat, Routledge and Kegan Paul 被引量:1
3[4]Robert Merton, The Role-sets: Problems in Sociological Theory in British Journal of Sociology Vol. VIII No. 2 被引量:1
4[5]Robert Murphy, Social Distance and the Veil in Sweet, L. Peoples and Cul tures of the Middle East, the Natural History Press 被引量:1
5[6]Erving Goffman, The Nature of Deference and Demeanor in Interacti on Ritual, Double Day Anchor Books 被引量:1
6[7]Erving Goffman,The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, 被引量:1
7[8]Geral Berreman, Behind Many Masks, in Hindus of the Himalayas, University of California Press. 被引量:1