
鄂尔多斯盆地代家坪地区延长组原油成因及成藏期次 被引量:11

Genesis and Accumulation Periods of Oil in Yanchang Formation of Daijiaping Area, Ordos Basin
摘要 针对鄂尔多斯盆地代家坪地区延长组油源认识存在的争议,利用原油和烃源岩样品抽提物族组分分离、饱和烃色谱-质谱分析和包裹体均一温度测试,对延长组不同层位原油地球化学特征和成藏期次进行系统分析。结果表明,代家坪地区延长组不同层位原油地球化学特征基本一致,均形成于淡水微咸水和弱还原还原的半深湖深湖相沉积,生油母质具低等水生生物和陆源高等植物混源特点。代家坪地区延长组不同层位储集层样品均一温度均表现为双峰型分布特征,且长82和长9储集层包裹体均一温度高于长6和长81储集层,结合埋藏史分析表明,代家坪地区延长组存在晚侏罗世末早白垩世和早白垩世中期2个充注过程。利用生物标志化合物参数进行Q型聚类将代家坪地区延长组原油分为2种类型,Ⅰ类原油包括长6和长81原油,Ⅱ类原油包括长82和长9原油,2类原油虽然均来自长7烃源岩,但Ⅰ类原油的成熟度参数C29甾烷20S/C29甾烷(20S+20R)和C29甾烷ββ/C29甾烷(αα+ββ)、环境参数Pr/Ph和伽马蜡烷指数明显低于Ⅱ类原油,而反映有机质来源的αααC27甾烷/(C 27甾烷+C28甾烷+C29甾烷)、4-甲基甾烷/规则甾烷、Pr/nC17等参数略高于Ⅱ类原油。结合成藏期次分析认为,Ⅰ类原油为长7烃源岩生烃高峰期形成的成熟原油与先存低成熟原油混合的产物,Ⅱ类原油为早白垩世中期大规模油气充注作用的结果。 To solve the disputes about oil-source relationship in Yanchang formation of Daijiaping area,Ordos basin,the paper systemati cally analyzes the geochemical characteristics and accumulation periods of the oil in different horizons of Yanchang formation based on the analysis on the extract group components,saturated hydrocarbon gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and inclusion homogenization temperature test of the oil and source rock samples.The results show that the geochemical characteristics of the oil in different horizons are basically the same,indicating a fairly deep-deep lacustrine sediments formed in a fresh water-brackish water and weak reduction-reduction sedimentary environment.The kerogen is characterized by the mixtures of lower hydrobiont and terrestrial higher plant.The homogenization temperatures of the rock samples from different horizons of Yanchang formation in Daijiaping area show a feature of double-peak distribution,and the homogenization temperatures of the inclusions in the reservoirs of Chang 82 and Chang 9 are higher than those in reservoirs of Chang 6 and Chang 81.The analysis on the burial history shows that there were 2 oil charging periods,namely the end of Late Jurassicthe middle of Early Cretaceous.Using the parameters of biomarkers to do Q-type analysis,the oil of Yanchang formation can be divided into 2 types,TypeⅠincludes the oil from Chang 6 and Chang 81 and TypeⅡincludes the oil from Chang 82 and Chang 9.Although both of the 2 types of oil come from the source rocks of Chang 7,but the oil maturity parameters such as C2920S/(20S+20R),C29ββ/(αα+ββ),Pr/Ph and gammacerane index of TypeⅠoil are obviously lowerer than those of TypeⅡ,and the parameters reflecting organic matter source likeαααC27 sterane/(C27-29)sterane,4-methy sterane/regular sterane and Pr/nC17 of TypeⅠoil are slightly higher than those of TypeⅡ.The analysis on hydrocarbon accumulation periods indicates that TypeⅠoil is the mixture of the matured oil generated during the hydrocarbon generatio
作者 刘学珍 杨迎春 周翔 LIU Xuezhen;YANG Yingchun;ZHOU Xiang(Daqing Geophysical Exploration Company No.1,BGP,CNPC,Daqing,Heilongjiang 163000,China;Research Institute of Exploration and Development,Daqing Oilfield Company Limited,PetroChina,Daqing,Heilongjiang 163712,China)
出处 《新疆石油地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期414-421,共8页 Xinjiang Petroleum Geology
基金 国家科技重大专项(2011ZX05005-002)
关键词 鄂尔多斯盆地 代家坪地区 延长组 原油成因 地球化学特征 成藏期次 Ordos basin Daijiaping area Yanchang formation oil genesis geochemical characteristic hydrocarbon accumulation period
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