In the era of Web2.0,social media and virtual communities have also been able to quickly integrate into the public life."User-generated video" has become one of the ways of people's daily communication,but this behavior also brings heavy problems to the copyright protection of copyright owners. The relevant provisions of copyright law in China are quite ineffective in dealing with this phenomenon. At the same time,there are many problems in social life,such as the low obligation of platform audit,the difficulty for users to obtain the permission of copyright holders,and the characterization of "user-generated video",which lead to many copyright disputes. In view of this,relevant foreign experience can be used for reference. The principle of Transformative Use can be introduced into the standard of Fair Use;Relevant laws and regulations are introduced to classify network platforms,and larger platforms must establish work identification and filtering mechanism. It is need to build a reasonable service agreement mode between the platform,copyright owners and users;In order to protect the interests of users,anti-notification rights should be set up to solve the copyright disputes in "user-generated video",and to promote the formation of a good digital copyright ecosystem among users,copyright owners and network platforms.
LIU Yufei(School of law,Anhui University,Hefei,Anhui 230000)
Journal of Mianyang Teachers' College
user-generated video
Transformative Use
platform attention obligation
Service Agreement Mode
counter notification right