AlGaN nanocrystals have emerged as the building blocks of future optoelectronic devices operating in the ultraviolet(UV) spectral range. In this article, we describe the design and performance characteristics of AlGaN nanocrystal UV light-emitting diodes(LEDs) and surface-emitting UV laser diodes. The selective-area epitaxy and structural, optical, and electrical properties of AlGaN nanocrystals are presented. The recent experimental demonstrations of AlGaN nanocrystal LEDs and laser diodes are also discussed.
AlGaN nanocrystals have emerged as the building blocks of future optoelectronic devices operating in the ultraviolet(UV) spectral range. In this article, we describe the design and performance characteristics of AlGaN nanocrystal UV light-emitting diodes(LEDs) and surface-emitting UV laser diodes. The selective-area epitaxy and structural, optical, and electrical properties of AlGaN nanocrystals are presented. The recent experimental demonstrations of AlGaN nanocrystal LEDs and laser diodes are also discussed.
Army Research Office(ARO)(W911NF-17-1-0109)
National Science Foundation(NSF)(DMR-1807984)