
基于Arcgis-python断面汇水面积批量提取方法研究 被引量:2

Research on the Batch Extraction Method of Catchment Area Based on Arcgis-python
摘要 汇水面积对于工程设计中建坝成库和桥梁涵洞孔径尺寸等具有非常重要的现实意义。以30m分辨率的栅格DEM和已有的矢量河流为基础数据,基于Arcgis10.4软件的水文工具箱和python程序,批量处理和计算贵州省境内的芙蓉江流域50km2以上河流的断面以上的汇水面积,选取了广泛分布于芙蓉江流域代表性强的三类控制断面(水库类型6个、水文站类型2个和支流汇口类型29个),共37个。结果表明,在借助python批量处理的环境下,计算结果准确性高,计算的37个河道断面的汇水面积绝对误差(Δ)中最小的仅为0.08km^2,相对误差m最小的仅为0.09%,决定系数R2高达0.99,相对均方根误差RRMSE仅有2.74%,相对分析误差RPD为49.01,远大于2,偏差Bias为2.88;而相较于人工在地形图上勾绘,这种方法计算速度快,通过python批量处理的时间仅为人工的0.63%,极大地节省生产时间,赢得时间成本;此外,还将该方法应用于洪渡河流域、桐梓河流域、綦江流域、赤水河流域、大渡口以上区域、大渡口以下干流区域以及六盘水区域等7个研究区并获得很好的验证结果。因此,为河流控制断面的汇水面积勾绘提供一种新的计算方法,同时为生态断面流量以及坝址库容曲线的计算分析奠定基础。 The catchment area is of great practical significance to the construction of dam reservoir and the size of bridge culvert.Based on the 30 m resolution raster DEM and existing vector river on the basis of the data, based on the 10.4 software toolbox and python programs, batch processing and calculation of Furongjiang River Basin in Guizhou Province are more than 50 km2 river channel section of the catchment area.Results show that the batch processing under python environment has high calculation accuracy, calculation of 37 in the cross section of the river catchment area of the smallest absolute error (Δ) of only 0.08 km^2, minimum relative error (m) is only 0.09%, the determination coefficient ( R^2 ) is as high as 0.99, relative root mean square error ( RRMSE ) is only 2.74%, relative analysis of error ( RPD ) is 49.01, far more than 2, the deviation of Bias is 2.88.Compared with manual sketching on topographic map, this method is faster in calculation, and the batch processing time through python is only 0.63% of manual processing time, which greatly saves production time and gains time cost.In this paper, the method is also applied to the Hongdu River Basin, Tongzi River Basin, Qijiang River Basin, Chishui River Basin, Dadukou Region, Dadukou under the main stream region and Liupanshui Region of seven research areas and has obtained good verification results.So, this paper provides a new calculation method for the drawing of catchment area of river control section, and lays a foundation for the calculation of flow rate of ecological section and reservoir capacity curve of dam site.
作者 洪明海 汪仕伟 曾文治 黄介生 杨荣芳 苏海鹏 李析男 HONG Ming-hai;WANG Shi-wei;ZENG Wen-zhi;HUANG Jie-sheng;YANG Rong-fang;SU Hai-peng;LI Xi-nan(Guizhou Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power Investigation, Design and Research Institute, Guiyang 550002, China;State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China)
出处 《中国农村水利水电》 北大核心 2019年第7期45-52,共8页 China Rural Water and Hydropower
基金 贵州省科技计划“喀斯特地区海绵城市雨洪控制技术研究及示范应用”(黔科合[2016]支撑2903) 贵州省科技计划“夹岩水利枢纽及黔西北供水工程关键技术研究与应用”(黔科合重大专项字[2017]3005)
关键词 汇水面积 ARCGIS PYTHON 批量提取 catchment area Arcgis python batch extraction
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