
二里河铅锌矿采场结构参数及巷道布置研究 被引量:10

Study on Stope Structure Parameters and Roadway Layout of Erlihe Lead-zinc Mine
摘要 二里河铅锌矿目前正在准备开采埋深500~800 m的深部矿体,从已掘进的1 100 m中段探矿巷道地压显现来看,深部的采场结构参数及巷道布置位置需要优化。应用FLAC3D正交数值模拟采场结构参数对采场稳定性的影响,建立多指标综合评价模型以便优选采场结构参数;应用FLAC3D分析距矿体下盘边界不同距离的巷道围岩应力变化,借助监测巷道顶底板上某点的应力变化趋势优选巷道布置位置。研究结果表明:深部采场最佳结构参数为矿房走向长度40 m,间柱厚度10 m,顶柱厚度12 m,其中,顶柱厚度对采场稳定性的影响最显著,增大顶柱厚度是提高采场稳定性的最有效途径;下盘脉外运输巷道布置在距矿体下盘边界线12 m处最为合理;距巷道较近的本中段矿体开采是引起巷道地压显现的主要原因,矿柱回采会加速中段运输巷道的破坏。实践证明,深部采场结构参数及巷道布置的研究结论合理、可靠。 Erlihe lead-zinc mine is currently preparing to exploit deep ore bodies in the depth of 500 ~ 800 m.According to the roadway pressure occurred at 1 100 m stage prospecting roadway,it’s necessary to optimize the structure parameters of the deep stope and the layout of the roadway. In this paper,FLAC3D and orthogonal tests are used to simulate the effect of stope structure parameters on stope stability,and the multi-index comprehensive evaluation model is established to choose the best stope structure parameters. FLAC3D is also used to analyze the stress variation in surrounding rock of roadway with different distance from the footwall boundary of ore body,and the most rational roadway location is determined by means of monitoring the stress variation of one point in roadway roof. The result shows that the optimum structure parameters of the deep stope are the stope span of 40 m,the column thickness of 10 m and the top pillar thickness of 12 m. Among them,the top pillar thickness significantly influences the stability of stope,and increasing the top pillar thickness is the most effective way to improve the stability of the stope. It is the most reasonable that the haulage roadway outside the footwall vein should be located at 12 m form the boundary of the footwall orebody. The exploitation of the ore body,near the roadway in the same stage,is a major cause of producing the roadway pressure,and the pillar extraction exacerbates the damage of the haulage roadway. It has been proved that the conclusions of deep stope structure parameters and roadway layout are reasonable and reliable.
作者 李俊平 叶浩然 李宗利 张磊 陈明寿 Li Junping;Ye Haoran;Li Zhongli;Zhang Lei;Chen Mingshou(College of Resources Engineerings Xi'an University of Architecture and Techrwlogy,Xi' an 710055,P.R.China;Erlihe Lead-zinc Mine of Northwest Non-ferrous Metal Geological Prospecting Party,Baoji Shanxi 721706,P.R.China)
出处 《地下空间与工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期902-910,共9页 Chinese Journal of Underground Space and Engineering
关键词 采场地压 巷道地压 采场结构参数 巷道布置 正交试验 stope pressure roadway pressure stope structure parameter roadway layout orthogonal test
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