
构建促进保护地社区资源使用与保护目标协调的社会情境分析工具——武夷山国家公园试点区实践 被引量:18

Developing a social context analysis tool to facilitate communities′ conservation behavior in protected areas: an experiment in the Wuyishan National Park Pilot
摘要 结合"公共池塘资源"、"环境权利"和"社会-生态系统"意义认知理论,从话语分析入手研究社会-生态系统中,制度如何作用于社区行为而最终影响生态系统,并以提供政策建议为终点,形成一个针对保护地社区资源利用的社会情境分析工具。研究以武夷山国家公园体制试点区社区为对象,从社区主体认知和研究者外部观察的知识合作入手,首先分析社区资源禀赋和环境权利的实现。研究发现,影响资源权属和使用的关键制度包括宏观层面的土地政策,中观层面的保护地规划和管理,以及微观层面的乡规民约,凸显了法律与民间规范的共同作用。影响生态产品和服务获取以及福利转化等环境权利的关键因素是中观层面的正式制度,包括市场机制和信用体系,以及非正式制度,主要是长期形成并与时俱进的社区集体行动机制等。其次,分析影响社区权利可得性的协商机制。协商需要注意程序合法,重视社区环境自主权;在内容上尊重历史和传统,提供充分信息;在实施上有明确的成本-收益分析。这样才能推动社区认知与保护管理目标相一致,以制度变迁促进生态系统服务持续。研究表明,这一社会情境分析工具以国家公园体制试点为契机,可以帮助提出改善社区的资源禀赋和完善环境权利的专门政策,促进自然生态系统和社区福利双赢。 This study used the "common pool resources" theory,"environment entitlement" theory, and "socio-ecological framework" to analyze how the existing institutions affect ecosystem management by communities and eventually the status of the ecosystem. To prove targeted policies, we eventually developed a context diagnostic tool for community resource use in protected areas. This tool is being updated and experimented in the Wuyishan National Park Pilot through knowledge co-production realized by communities′ perception and researchers′ observation. The key factors affecting resource accessibility mainly include land policy at the macro scale, protected area planning and management at the meso scale, and village convenance at the micro scale, indicating the combined effect of legal force and folk norms. The key institutions affecting access to ecosystem services and well-being include mainly the formal institutions, such as market and credit systems at the meso scale, and informal institutions that are long-formed for maintaining development, mainly through some collective actions. The study also suggests that a negotiation procedure is necessary to motivate communities′ acceptance of new rules and participation in the construction of national park, during which the institutional changes are meant to sustain the ecosystem services. The negotiation thus aims to set management rules in a way that the(1) procedure is legitimate and fulfills the autonomy of the communities,(2) content respects the history and tradition, and is formed based on abundant available information, and(3) implementation of the agreement depends on clear cost-benefit analysis. In this way, the perception of ecosystem from communities may tend to converge with the goal of conservation. Therefore, the diagnostic tool can help prescribe targeted policies to improve ecosystem management during the experimental period in national parks, to reach a win-win goal for the integrity of ecosystem and human well-being through institutional change.
作者 何思源 苏杨 王蕾 程红光 HE Siyuan;SU Yang;WANG Lei;CHENG Hongguang(Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Beijing 100101,China;Management World Magazine,Development Research Center of the State Council,Beijing 100013,China;World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF),Beijing Office,Beijing 100037,China;School of Environment,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第11期3861-3870,共10页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 世界自然基金会吕克·霍夫曼研究员项目 国家社会科学基金重大项目(14ZDB142)
关键词 社会-生态系统 环境权利 生态系统服务 国家公园 社区 武夷山 social-ecological system environmental entitlement ecosystem service national park community Wuyishan
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