【目的】通过对生物多样性、固碳、产水以及文化四类生态系统服务进行测算,使用多属性决策方法进行区域最优保护范围的选取,为研究区生态平衡的维护及生态建设研究提供理论依据。【方法】以渭河流域关中-天水经济区(关天段)为研究区,通过InVEST模型测算生物多样性及固碳服务,SWAT模型划分子流域并计算产水服务以及SoLVES模型量化文化服务,在此基础上利用OWA(Ordered Weighted Averaged,有序加权平均)多属性决策方法建立11种情景,筛选出优先保护区。【结果】(1)研究区在子流域尺度上产水量分布不均,整体情况为东部最高,中部地区小于西部地区,平均产水量约为95mm;子流域固碳量范围为5.041—10.284t·hm^-2,单位面积固碳量较高的子流域多为秦岭地区,位于关中平原地区的子流域是城市聚集地区,建设用地密集的区域碳储存十分受限;生物多样性主要由生境质量指标衡量,研究区生境质量范围0.222—0.921,关中平原地区植被覆盖较少,人类活动频繁和城市发展导致威胁因子分布密集,因此生境质量较低,平均值在0.22左右,秦岭地区属于高植被覆盖且距离生境威胁因子较远,生态适宜性高且生物多样性保持良好;研究区文化价值总指数1.298—5.667,审美和精神价值集中在森林公园及秦岭山脉地区,但城市区域的历史文化底蕴浓厚且娱乐设施丰富,因此综合来看城市区域文化服务价值最高。(2)通过设立不同风险值和权重计算OWA算子,共得出11种风险情景及其保护效率。最终选取权衡值最高的风险情景6的覆盖范围为最优保护区范围,其保护效率约为1.499,覆盖范围多位于南部秦岭地区、天水市和宝鸡市交界处等。【结论】结合自然因素与人文因素对研究区生态系统服务进行分析与评价,通过OWA算子平衡不同生态系统服务之间的权衡并选择最优保护区,为提升研究区生态系统服
【Objective】 In present study, based on the calculation of biodiversity, carbon sequestration, water production and cultural ecosystem services, multi-attribute decision-making method is applied to select the optimal protected area of the study area. The work can provides a theoretical basis for the maintenance of ecological balance and ecological construction in the study area.【Method】Our research is illustrated by the Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Zone (Guantian Section) of Weihe River Basin, biodiversity and carbon sequestration services are calculated by InVEST model, SWAT model is used to measure water yield services and divide sub-basins, cultural services are quantified by SoLVES model. On this basis, 11 scenarios are established by using OWA (Ordered Weighted Averaged) multi-attribute decision making method, and the priority protected areas are screened out.【Result】(1) The distribution of water yield in the study area was uneven on the sub-basin scale. On the whole, the water yield in the eastern region is the highest, and that in the central region is smaller than that in the western region, and the average value is about 95 mm. The range of carbon sequestration on the sub-basin scale is between 5.041 t·hm^-2 and 10.284 t·hm^-2. Sub-basins with higher carbon sequestration per unit area are mostly located in Qinling area, and the sub-basins located in Guanzhong Plain are urban agglomeration area, and the regional carbon sequestration with dense construction land is very limited. Biodiversity is mainly measured by habitat quality index, the range of habitat quality in the study area is between 0.222 and 0.921. The vegetation cover is insufficient in Guanzhong Plain area, frequent human activities and urban development lead to dense distribution of threat factors. Therefore, the habitat quality is relatively low with 0.22 in Guanzhong Plain area. The region of Qinling Mountains, with high vegetation cover, is far from the habitat threat factor, its ecological suitability is relatively high and th
ZHANG YuMeng;LI Jing;ZENG Li;YANG XiaoNan;LIU JingYa;ZHOU ZiXiang(School of Geography and Tourism,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi'an 710119;Institute of Soil and Water Conservation,Northwest A&F University,Yangling 712100,Shaanxi;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101;College of Geomatics,Xi’an University of Science and Technology,Xi'an 710054)
Scientia Agricultura Sinica