
从“满汉”到“中西”:民初清遗民视野中的“华夷之辨” 被引量:1

From“Man Nationality and Han Nationality” to “China and the Barbarians”:the Discrimination of “China and Foreign” in the Eyes of the People of the Qing Dynasty in the Early Republican of China
摘要 “华夷之辨”是儒家文化核心观念,有种族之分和文化德性之分。清末满汉对立思潮崛起,强调基于种族之分的“华夷之辨”。辛亥鼎革后,清遗民一方面反对这种基于种族之分的“华夷之辨”,从文化德性之分的角度强调清朝统治的正统性,并且从金、元等历史资源中寻求支撑;另一方面,他们强调“君臣大义”的绝对性。与此同时,他们将民国后国内外的混乱皆归咎于西学,认为让世界久安之道必然还是“莫备于周孔”的中学,至此在他们视野中,中西夷夏地位逆转。清遗民的“华夷之辨”,从根本上说是一种政治上的君主制和文化上的保守主义合二为一的道德主义论述,虽然其与具体的历史语境已然“错置”,但作为一种文化思潮,还是对后来的文化保守主义有着重要的影响。 “The distinction between China and the Barbarians”, the core concept of Confucian culture, can be interpreted in terms of races and cultural virtue. In the late Qing Dynasty when the ideology of Manchu opposing Han nationality came to existence, the idea of China and the Barbarians distinction because of cultural virtue came to the fore. After the 1911 Revolution, the Qing Dynasty’s adherents, on the one hand, opposed the discrimination between China and the Barbarians out of the racial distinction, emphasized the orthodoxy of Qing Dynasty’s rule from the perspective of cultural virtue, and sought support from historical resources such as Jin and Yuan Dynasties;on the other hand, they emphasized the absoluteness of “the righteousness between the monarch and his ministers”. At the same time, they attributed the chaos at home and abroad after the Republic of China to Western learning. They believed that the way to make the world a long-term peace would inevitably depend on Chinese learning represented by Zhougong and Confucius. So far, in their views, the status of China and the Barbarians had been reversed. As a cultural trend of thought, the political monarchy and cultural conservatism of the survivors of the Qing Dynasty, which is a kind of moral discourse, has an important influence on the later cultural conservatism, although it has been “misplaced” with the specific historical context.
作者 陈义报 CHEN Yi-bao(Journal Editorial Department, Huzhou University, Huzhou 313000, China)
出处 《宁波大学学报(人文科学版)》 2019年第4期87-94,共8页 Journal of Ningbo University:Liberal Arts Edition
基金 浙江省社科联研究课题“民初遗民诗意象研究”(2014N023) 浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题“民初遗民诗研究(1912-1928)”(16NDJC087YB)
关键词 满汉 中西 清遗民 华夷之辨 Man Nationality and Han Nationality China and the West Qing Dynasty survivors discrimination between Chinaand the Barbarians
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