
乐府旧题《蜀道难》系列源流论 被引量:2

On the Origin and Development of the Serial “Steep Shu Road” from Old Yuefu Titles
摘要 蜀道有广义与狭义之分,远在其始名之前北方与蜀地交通关联就已经出现,最早由甘、青入蜀,此证陇蜀道最古。据史料,至迟在商晚期狭义蜀道存在的历史可能性已具备,周代秦蜀交通的记录见多,到秦汉时期蜀道有载,确切的“蜀道”一名出于《史记》应是定论。文学“蜀道”一词,最早见于汉末三国诸葛亮《黄陵庙记》,唐《艺文类聚》所收乐府旧题《蜀道难》系列呈现一种源流现象,源头在南朝梁萧纲,随后的梁陈作者刘孝威、阴铿推动了它的发展,至初唐张文琮铺垫到盛唐李白《蜀道难》思想和艺术水平达到顶峰,中晚唐、五代时期续写者众多但无出其右。蜀道始名,乐府旧题《蜀道难》源流就包含着对陇蜀道的抒写,需引起学界重视。 The term of Shu Road can be interpreted in a broad sense as well as a narrow one. Long before its initial name, the traffic connection between the north and the land of Shu had appeared. It was the earliest route to enter this land from Gansu and Qinghai, which proves that Long-Shu Road is the most ancient one. Historical data show that from the late Shang dynasty at the latest, Shu Road in the narrow sense has possibly existed. To the Zhou dynasty, there were more records of the traffic between the lands of Qin and Shu. By the Qin and Han dynasties, Shu Road has been put down in writings and it is acknowledged that the term “Shu Road”first appeared in Records of the Grand Historian of China (Shiji) and Shu Road in literary sense was first used in Zhuge Liang’s Huangling Temple Records in the late Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms period. The series of the Old Yuefu Title “Steep Shu Road”included in the “Art and Literature Cluster”(Yiwen Leiju) was originated from Liang Xiaogang of the Southern dynasty and was further developed thereafter. Liu Xiaowei and Yin Keng, writers in Liang and Chen dynasties, promoted its development. In the early Tang dynasty, Zhang Wencong paved the way to the peak for Li Bai’s thought and artistic level in his “Steep Shu Road”in the glorious period of his age. In the middle and late Tang and the Five dynasties, there were many writers who wrote the continuation with the same title, but none of them went beyond Li Bai. By tracing the origin and development of the Old Yuefu Title “Steep Shu Road”, we can perceive the description of Longshu Road, which is well worth attention from scholars.
作者 蒲向明 PU Xiang-ming(School of Literature and Media, Longnan Teachers College, Chengxian Gansu 742500, China)
出处 《临沂大学学报》 2019年第4期55-64,共10页 Journal of Linyi University
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(17BGL213) 陇南市社会科学研究重点项目(17LNSK03)的阶段性成果
关键词 《蜀道难》系列 萧纲 乐府旧题 源流 陇蜀道 the serial "Steep Shu Road?" Xiaogang Old Yuefu Titles origin and development Long-Shu Road
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