中远海运船舶成功穿越北极“冰上丝绸之路”开辟亚欧贸易新航道。中远海运特运首次装运海上巨无霸风塔。打破全球半潜船DP (动态定位)安装货物最重等多项纪录。特运重吊船开创“安装+运输+安装”服务客户新模式。……近年来,中远海运特运公司坚持“特”字为先,坚持科学发展、创新发展。
Vessels of COSCO SHIPPING successfully sailed through the 4"Arctic Silk Road on Ice" to open a new route for Asia-Europe trade. COSCO SHIPPING Specialized Carriers Company (COSCO SHIPPING Specialized for short) shipped gigantic towers for offshore wind turbines for the first time. COSCO SHIPPING Specialized broke the world record for the heaviest cargo installed by a semisubmersible ship with DP (dynamic positioning) technology, and several other world records as well. The heavy-lift ships of COSCO SHIPPING Specialized pioneered a new service model of "'installation + transportation + installation."… In recent years, COSCO SHIPPING Specialized has given top priority to the company's main feature, specialized carrier service, and adhered to a scientific and innovative approach for its development. Through increasingly deepening its exploration of the rules of the market, industry and corporate management, the company has gradually eliminated inefficient and outdated production capacity, and increased the proportion of high-added-value cargo in its shipments, to continuously enhance its carrying capacity, revitalize and optimize internal resources, and to further release the energy for highquality development. By sticking to this high-quality development strategy that prioritizes advanced technology, COSCO SHIPPING Specialized has successfully taken the three great leaps of ^following, catching up and leading" on the international shipping market, and completed the transformation from a "general cargo fleet based on special cargo vessels^^ to a "multi-purpose fleet based on specialized carriers", from "being a system integrator in the specialized transport market" to "being a leading international service provider of engineering logistics".
The Belt and Road Reports