
干旱胁迫和复水对啤酒大麦产量品质及叶绿素含量的影响 被引量:8

Effects of Drought Stress and Rewatering on Yield and Quality and Chlorophyll Content of Barley
摘要 采用盆栽称重控水法研究了水分胁迫对甘啤6号啤酒大麦生长、产量、关键品质和相关生理指标的影响。结果表明,干旱胁迫10d和土壤含水量为田间土壤最大持水量的55%~60%处理均未对啤酒大麦生长、产量、品质以及叶绿素含量产生显著影响。干旱胁迫30d较干旱胁迫10d啤酒大麦的平均株高、穗长、穗粒数、千粒重、单株产量、淀粉含量和饱满度显著降低,生育期明显提前,籽粒蛋白质含量显著提高。与对照土壤含水量为田间土壤最大持水量的75%~80%相比,土壤含水量为田间土壤最大持水量的35%~40%、15%~20%处理的株高、穗长、穗粒数、千粒重、单株产量及生育期均显著低于对照,而土壤含水量为田间土壤最大持水量55%~60%处理的株高、穗长、生育期、穗粒数和单株产量与其接近。通过测定啤酒大麦叶片叶绿素含量发现,在干旱胁迫10d和20d胁迫期下,复水后土壤含水量为田间土壤最大持水量的75%~80%处理和土壤含水量为田间土壤最大持水量的55%~60%处理存在显著的补偿效应,而土壤含水量为田间土壤最大持水量的35%~40%、15%~20%处理以及干旱胁迫30d的所有复水水平均未表现显著的补偿效应。说明指示品种甘啤6号干旱复水补偿效应的利用应注意干旱胁迫时期不超过20d,旱后复水量以不低于田间土壤最大持水量的55%~60%为宜。 The effects of water stress on growth, yield, key quality and related physiological indexes of beer barley Ganbei 6 were studied by pot weighing and water control method. The results showed that 10 days of drought stress and 55%~60% of soil water content had no significant effect on the growth, yield, quality and chlorophyll content of beer barley. The average plant height, ear length, number of grains per ear, 1000-grain weight, yield per plant, starch content and plumpness of beer barley under drought stress for 30 days were significantly lower than those under drought stress for 10 days, and the growth period was significantly earlier than that under drought stress, and grain protein content was significantly increased. Compared with the control, the soil moisture content was 35%~40% and 15%~20% of the maximum soil moisture content in the field. The plant height, panicle length, grain number per panicle, 1000-grain weight, yield per plant and growth period of the treatment were significantly lower than those of the control, while the soil moisture content was 55%~60% of the maximum soil moisture content in the field. The plant height, panicle length, growth period and grain number per panicle of the treatment were significantly lower than those of the control. The yield per plant was close to that of the same plant. The chlorophyll content of beer barley leaves was measured. It was found that under 10 days and 20 days of drought stress, the soil moisture content after rewatering was 75%~80% of the maximum water holding capacity of field soil and 55%~60% of the maximum water holding capacity of field soil had significant compensatory effects, while the soil moisture content was 35%~40%, 15%~20% of the maximum water holding capacity of field soil, and the soil moisture content was 35%~40%, 15%~20% of the maximum water holding capacity of field soil. No significant compensatory effect was observed at all rewatering levels after 30 days of drought stress. It was suggested that the drought stress period should not
作者 徐银萍 潘永东 任诚 姚元虎 贾延春 陈文庆 火克仓 包奇军 赵锋 张华瑜 XU Yinping;PAN Yongdong;REN Cheng;YAO Yuanhu;JIA Yanchun;CHEN Wenqing;HUO Kecang;BAO Qijun;ZHAO Feng;ZHANG Huayu(Institute of Economic Crops and Beer Material,Gansu Academy of Agricultural Science,Lanzhou Gansu 730070,China)
出处 《甘肃农业科技》 2019年第6期19-24,共6页 Gansu Agricultural Science and Technology
基金 甘肃省国际科技合作项目(17YF1WA156) 甘肃省农业科学院农业科技创新专项科技支撑计划(2018GAAS02) 国家大麦(青稞)现代农业产业技术体系(CARS-05) 甘肃省科技重大专项计划(18ZD2NA008)
关键词 干旱胁迫 复水 啤酒大麦 生长 产量 品质 叶绿素 Drought stress Rewartering Barley Growth Yield Quality Chlorophyll
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