Non-linear IFSs and their fractals are constructed by the family of the complex analytic polynomial with single parameter and multi-extreme-points f( z)= z^n + cz in this paper. First,the mathematic characteristics,the M sets and the filled-in Julia sets of the mapping f( z)= z^n + cz are investigated. Then,the dynamic characteristics of the iterating mappings constructed with the parameters,chosen from 2 1-cycle parameter regions in a M set,are investigated for the family of f( z)= z^n + cz. Next,N( N≥2) parameters in the1-cycle parameter region,where the module value of the parameters are greater than 1,are chosen to construct the iterating mappings( f( z)= z^n + ci z,i = 1,2,…,N) in the danymic plane. The non-linear iterateing function system is builted in the common attracting basin of N iterating mappings. Last,according to the fact that there are n-1 attracting fixed-points symmetrically distributed in the plane for a mapping,the double random iterating method,by which the iterating point z is randomly rotated the degree of( 2πj/( n-1),{ j= 0,1,2,…,n-2}) and then is iterated by randomly choosing an iterating mapping in IFS,is presented. The result shows that about the complex mapping family( f( z)= z^n + cz,n = 3,4,5,…),selection of N parameters in the 1-cycle parameter region of M set,where | c |> 1,can construct a valid non-linear IFS;a great number of the fractals with the n-1 rotation symmetry can be generated by the double random iterating method presented in this paper.
CHEN Ning;GUAN Bo-wen;HAI Zhi-gang(Faculty of Information & Control Engineering,Shenyang Jianzhu University,Shenyang 110168,China)
Journal of Chinese Computer Systems