本文利用河北邢台测站Ka波段微雨雷达(MRR)观测到的一次冷锋云系降水过程分析降水的垂直分布及演变特征。将MRR观测结果与天气雷达、地面雨滴谱仪、雨量计观测结果进行对比以检验MRR数据的可靠性。同时将MRR与雨滴谱仪和激光云高仪结合,研究了不同相对湿度阶段特征量、雨滴谱的平均垂直分布特征和降水特征量随时间、高度的演变特征。结果表明:MRR与雨量计及雨滴谱仪累计雨量结果较为接近,趋势一致。MRR 200 m雨强值与地面雨滴谱仪雨强值偏差最小,平均偏差为0.05 mm h-1,相关系数为0.93。相比雨滴谱仪,MRR观测到的小滴数浓度出现高估,大滴数浓度出现低估,中滴数浓度较为一致。降水在云内和云外受不同微物理过程影响,垂直变化特征不同。降水初期平均反射率和雨强在云底以下明显减小,小滴和中滴平均数浓度明显减小,蒸发作用影响较强。而在其余时间段在云内随高度降低平均反射率和雨强略有增加,小滴平均数浓度变化较小,中滴大滴平均数浓度增加,表明云内有云滴与雨滴间的碰并发生。而在云外低层,随高度降低平均有效直径明显增加,平均雨滴总数浓度明显减小,小滴平均数浓度显著减小,大滴平均数浓度显著增加,表明在云外低层雨滴间的碰并作用较强。
Using the micro rain radar(MRR) observations in Xingtai, Hebei Province, the vertical structure and evolution of precipitation associated with clouds along a cold front are explored. The accuracy of MRR observations has been examined by comparing with observations of the weather radar, raindrop disdrometer, and rain gauge. Combining the MRR with the disdrometer and the laser ceilometer, factors in different relative humidity ranges and average vertical distribution of the raindrop size as well as the evolution of precipitation characters with the altitude and time have been investigated. The results show that the observed cumulative rainfall and its trend are similar among different data. The difference between the rainfall intensity observed by the MRR 200 m and that observed by the disdrometer is the minimum with an average value of about 0.05 mm h-1 and the correlation coefficient is 0.93. Compared with the disdrometer, the MRR overestimated the small drop concentration and underestimated the large drop concentration.However, the medium drop concentration is consistent between observations of the MRR and the disdrometer.Precipitation is greatly affected by evaporation under low-humidity condition and affected by different microphysical processes inside and outside the clouds. The vertical variations are different. During the initial stage of precipitation, the average reflectivity(Z) and rainfall intensity(R) obviously decreased below the cloud base and the average concentration of small and medium drops decreased rapidly under the influence of evaporation. At other time, the average Z and R slightly increased and the concentration of small drops changed little. The concentration of big and medium drops increased, which indicates that coalescence processes have happened between raindrops and cloud droplets withinthe cloud. The average effective diameter increased obviously and the average total concentration of raindrops decreased with decreasing height in lower levels outside the cloud. Besides, the decreasin
CUI Yunyang;ZHOU Yuquan;CAI Miao(Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044;Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081;Key Laboratory for Cloud Physics of China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081)
Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences
Micro-rain radar
Raindrop-size distribution
Vertical distribution
Microphysical processes