
诱虫灯对芒果园主要害虫的监测效果评价 被引量:6

Evaluation of three kinds of lamp traps on trapping and monitoring of main insect pests in mango orchard
摘要 为评价诱虫灯在芒果园中对芒果主要害虫监测的作用效果,选用频振灯、黑光灯和LED灯等诱虫灯,采取灯光诱集与果园采样调查相结合的方法在海南省东方市岛西林场芒果园进行了芒果害虫的周年监测,比较了3种不同诱虫灯及调查采样收集到的芒果害虫的种类与数量。结果显示,在岛西林场芒果园,诱虫灯诱集到的害虫有29种,调查采集到害虫有24种,诱虫灯和调查采集收集同时监测到的害虫有21种,诱集到数量较多的有红脚丽金龟Anomala cupripes、芒果叶瘿蚊Erosomyia mangicola、绿额翠尺蛾Thalassodes proquadraria和灰白条小卷蛾Atgyroploce aprobola等,表明诱虫灯可用于这些芒果害虫的种类、分布与危害的监测,尤其是对红脚丽金龟、芒果叶瘿蚊、绿额翠尺蛾和灰白条小卷蛾等;明确可以应用频振灯、黑光灯和LED灯对红脚绿金龟等几种重要芒果害虫的年消长动态及种群数量进行监测;不同诱虫灯相比较,黑光灯对红脚丽金龟诱集效果最佳,LED灯对芒果叶瘿蚊诱集效果最好,频振灯对绿额翠尺蛾和灰白条小卷蛾诱集效果最佳。频振灯、黑光灯和LED灯对芒果害虫有良好的诱集作用,但对其天敌也有明显的诱杀作用;频振灯、黑光灯和LED灯所诱集昆虫种类的益害比分别为1∶3.17、1∶0.45和1∶1.23,频振灯对天敌的杀伤作用最小,黑光灯最大。 In order to evaluate the effects of different light traps on the main mango pests, frequency trembler grid lamp (FTGL), black light lamp and LED lamp were selected for one-year-round monitoring using the combinations of lamp traps and sampling surveys in Daoxi Mango Orchard, Dongfang City, Hainan Province. The species and quantities of mango pests obtained by lamp traps and sampling surveys were compared. The results showed that 29 species of mango pests were trapped by lamp traps and 24 species of mango pests were obtained by sampling surveys, among which, 21 species of mango pests were obtained both by lamp traps and sampling surveys. The results showed that lamp traps could be used to monitor the species, distribution and damage of mango pests and the best monitoring results were achieved in Anomala cupripes , Erosomyia mangicola , Thalassodes proquadraria and Atgyroploce aprobola . Light traps were found to have good monitoring results on annual growth dynamics and population of several mango pests, such as A.cupripes . Among different lamp traps, black light lamps had the best trapping results for A.cupripes , LED lamps had the best trapping results for E.mangicola and FTGLs had the best trapping results for T.proquadraria and A.aprobola . Although the 3 kinds of lamps had good trapping results for mango pests, they also could trap natural enemies. The ratios of natural enemies to pests trapped by the 3 kinds of lamps were 1 ∶ 3.17, 1 ∶ 0.45 and 1 ∶ 1.23, respectively, which showed that FTGLs harmed natural enemies least and black light lamps harm most.
作者 丁山峰 陈俊谕 韩冬银 牛黎明 李磊 周世豪 符悦冠 DING Shan-Feng;CHEN Jun-Yu;HAN Dong-Yin;NIU Li-Ming;Li Lei;ZHOU Shi-Hao;FU Yue-Guan(Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Forestry, Hainan University, Haikou 570228,China;Environment and Plant Protection Institute,Chinese Academy of Tropical Agriculture Science, Haikou 571101,China)
出处 《环境昆虫学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期634-641,共8页 Journal of Environmental Entomology
基金 国家重点研发专项(2017YFD0202100) 海南省重大科技计划项目(ZDKJ2017003) 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(1630042017020)
关键词 芒果害虫 诱虫灯 监测 Pests of mango trap lamp monitoring
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