

Prevention and control measures of debris flow disaster of Chade highway in Qinghai
摘要 针对海西州尕海湖附近察德高速公路泥石流频发,且现有防治工程无法有效避害的问题,通过现场勘查,在查明泥石流形成背景条件及灾害特征的基础上,分析泥石流的发灾成因,对泥石流的水文数据进行计算,确定危害程度,并提出相应的防治措施。结果表明:该区域泥石流属于小型、稀型、高频泥石流,集中发生在6-9月,一次最大冲出量1 600 m^3,流量13.3 m^3/s,跨越泥石流桥梁墩台一般冲刷深度为1.54 m,桥梁结构形式为4×20 m装配式预应力混凝土连续箱梁,桩柱式墩台,控制桥下净空4.5 m。据此提出防治措施:保持原有道路平面线性不变,增加路基填高,加大桥梁孔径,利用桥梁跨越泥石流,并设置公路左右幅连接排导设施,以便泥石流再次发生后顺利通过该区域,对公路安全运营提供保障。 Aiming at the frequent occurrence of debris flow on Chade express way near Gahai lake in Haixi and the problem that the existing prevention and control projects can not effectively avoid the hazards, the causes of debris flow disasters were analyzed based on the background conditions and disaster characteristics of debris flow formation, and the hydrological data of debris flow were calculated, and the degree of hazards was determined, and the corresponding prevention and control measures were put forward. The results showed that the debris flow in this area belongs to small, sparse and high frequency debris flow, which mainly occurs from June to September. The single maximum outburst is 1 600 m^3 and the flow rate is 13.3 m^3/s. The general scour depth of bridge pier and abutment across debris flow is 1.54 m.The bridge structure is 4×20 m assembled prestressed concrete continuous box girder, pile-column pier and abutment, and the clearance under bridge is 4.5 m. Based on these parameters, prevention and control measures are put forward: keeping the original road plane linear unchanged, increasing subgrade filling, increasing bridge aperture, using bridges to cross debris flow, and setting up the two sides connection and drainage facilities of highway. The debris flow can pass through the region smoothly after the occurrence of the debris flow again, and thus to guarantee the safe operation of highway.
作者 鲁蔚 LU Wei(Highway Research Survey and Design Institute of Qinghai,Xining 810008,China)
出处 《青海大学学报(自然科学版)》 2019年第3期80-86,共7页 Journal of Qinghai University(Natural Science)
关键词 泥石流 桥梁净高 装配式 预应力 混凝土 连续箱梁 debris flow bridge net height prefabricated prestressed concrete continuous box girder
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