The South Africa, the content of environmental rights is stipulated in the form of constitutional text, and the environment public interest litigation is one of the most common and effective means to ensure the realization of Constitution environment right. The basic characteristics of environment public interest litigation in South Africa is cored with Constitution environment right, relax restrictions of subject who is allowed to conduct an environment public interest to any individual or organization related to environmental right, and refine the types of environmental public interest litigation as civil environmental public interest litigation and administrative public interest litigation and criminal public interest litigation;Established a specialized environmental litigation authority;Constructed the litigant charge system of the individual or organization that is beneficial for bringing lawsuit to the vironmental public good. Environmental rights into the constitution is the basis of environmental legislation Judicial and law enforcement, also is the core and foundation of environmental public interest litigation;The subjects of environmental pub? lie interest litigation and China' s current limit is more, appropriate to expand the eligibility of litigation subject scope is one of the direction of the reform of environmental public interest litigation.
Law Journal of Xiangjiang Youth
South Africa
Constitution Environment Right
Environmental Public Interest Litigation