

The Old Man and the Sea:The Conflicts Between Civilizations and the Breakthrough of the Principle of “Tough Guy”
摘要 《老人与海》是海明威突破晚年创作停滞重回巅峰的小说名作,他藉此作斩获普利策奖和诺贝尔文学奖等桂冠。在这部小说中,海明威突破以往写作的艺术方向,围绕孤独的老渔夫出海捕鱼这一主题,构建起两重文明世界:老人、大海、大马林鱼象征的古典文明世界,鲨鱼、观光游客、当地酒吧服务员象征的现代文明世界。老人与鲨鱼的敌对,鲨鱼对大马林鱼的撕咬,观光游客对大马林鱼骨架的吃惊,酒吧服务员对大马林鱼骨架的误判、不以为意等,都是海明威透过故事表象敏锐捕捉到的古典与现代的冲突。尽管古典文明的“硬汉”原则的突出与不合时宜,无形中构成一种巨大的反讽,但老人身上的美国式“老兵不倒”精神,使该小说具有“知其不可为而为之”的崇高意蕴,也使得该小说成为了海明威捍卫自己“宝刀未老”的最好证词。 The Old Man and the Sea is the masterpiece of Hemingway s literary creation in his later years where he was standstill in his literature career.Because of the creation of The Old Man and the Sea,Hemingway won the Nobel Prize for literature and the Pulitzer Prize.In this novel,Hemingway broke through the thinking direction of his previous writings.Focused on the story of a lonely old fisherman fishing at sea,Hemingway symbolically constructed a double civilized world:the old man,the sea,and Marlin fish formed as one,and symbolized the classical civilized world.Sharks,tourists,the elderly local bartenders constituted a faction,symbolized the modern civilized world.The old man s hostility to the shark,the shark s bite on the Marlin fish,the tourist s surprise on the huge skeleton of the Marlin fish,the local waiter s distain towards the marlin skeleton……Hemingway sensitively captured the conflicts between the classical civilization and the modern civilization.The outdated classical principles caused a huge irony to itself in modern world.However,it is precisely because the old man has the American spirit of “veterans do not Fall”.The Old Man and the Sea created a strong tragic power that was--though the old man knew he couldn t challenge the modern world,he just did it.This also symbolized that Hemingway was showing his abiding ability to write works.
作者 聂思沁 Nie Siqin(Faculty of Humanities,Wenzhou University,Wenzhou 325035,China)
出处 《中南财经政法大学研究生学报》 2019年第2期90-95,共6页 Journal of the Postgraduate of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
基金 2018年温州大学研究生创新学术论坛“莫泊桑长篇小说中的视觉话感官描写”校级人文社科项目(项目编号:2018008)
关键词 《老人与海》 文明冲突 硬汉 反讽 美国精神 The Old Man and the Sea Conflicts Between Civilizations the Principle of “Tough Guy” Irony American Spirit
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