
游戏化信息检索系统用户研究:游戏元素偏好、态度及使用意愿 被引量:26

A User Study on Gamified Information Retrieval Systems: Preference for Game Elements, Attitude, and Usage Intention
摘要 本研究针对Z一代用户对游戏化信息检索系统(GIRS)中游戏元素的偏好、态度及使用意愿开展研究,探讨嵌入游戏元素的信息检索系统能否在一定程度上实现激发用户积极、有效、持续地使用,以获取有用信息的目的。研究采用原型法设计GIRS纸面原型系统、实验研究方法收集数据,发现Z一代用户群体最感兴趣的游戏元素包括好友、商店、积分/成就、排行榜/奖章、内容解锁;对用户检索最有帮助的游戏元素包括积分、好友、奖章、内容解锁、等级;吸引用户持续使用GIRS的游戏元素包括好友、成就、排行榜、奖章/等级/积分、交易。研究表明,在支持和帮助用户进行检索、激发用户使用兴趣以及吸引用户长期使用方面,用户对GIRS持积极态度。 Information retrieval systems have been a major tool for users to obtain useful information. It has been one of foci for the researchers in library and information science to keep improving the design of information retrieval systems, refining their function, and meeting information needs of various users. Generation Z, also named as “digital natives”, refers to people who were born after mid-1990s. These users were growing up with the development of the Internet, but little research has been done to examine their preference and usage intention in information retrieval systems. They present different characteristics in cognition and motivation in learning. Gamed based learning is one of their salient features. Nevertheless, in information retrieval area the relationship between gamification and information retrieval has not been widely examined. Knowledge on how to use the advantage of gamification to satisfy users information retrieval needs in information retrieval context is still lacking. Therefore, the present study examines Generation Z's preference to game elements, their attitude to gamified information retrieval system (GIRS), and their intention to use GIRS. It attempts to explore whether GIRS can motivate users active, effective, and continuous use of information retrieval systems to obtain useful information. In specific, the study aims to answer the following questions: RQ1. What game elements do Generation Z users percept most interesting in GIRS? What game elements are most helpful in terms of helping them complete their information retrieval tasks in GIRS? What game elements are most effective in terms of attracting them to continuous use of GIRS? RQ2. What are the factors that influence the selection of game elements of Generation Z? RQ3. What are Generation Z users attitude and usage intention to GIRS? To answer the questions, the researchers developed a paper prototyping of GIRS. An experiment with 37 participants was conducted. The data were collected by a pre test questionnaire, a post te
作者 李月琳 何鹏飞 LI Yuelin;HE Pengfei
出处 《中国图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期62-78,共17页 Journal of Library Science in China
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“网络用户健康信息素养及交互信息行为引导机制研究”(编号:17AZD036)的研究成果之一~~
关键词 信息检索系统 游戏化信息检索系统 游戏元素 用户研究 Information retrieval Gamified information retrieval system Game elements User study
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