吴盛青教授在《现代“拟古主义者”:1900—1937 中国诗词传统的延续和创新》这本书中,通过研究 20 世纪初至日本侵华战争爆发前夕词和诗的新变化,挑战了在 1911 年辛亥革命推翻清政府统治和倡导白话文的新文化运动兴起之后旧体诗已经失去它原本的地位和意义这一观点。吴盛青认为,20 世纪初期旧体诗的创作为诗人们提供了文本和社会空间,由此诗人们得以反思文学主体性、文学想象以及文体创新,并且重新确立集体认同感,加深文化记忆。这些观点固然不错,但我认为,旧体诗还为他们提供了更加权威的文化话语权,而且这样的话语权在一个瞬息万变的世界中显得愈发重要。书中富有逻辑性的阐述,包括对传统和现代二分主义的颠覆均具有启发意义。在这样一种全新的看似矛盾却又互相依赖的结构中,“传统”成为了一个具有生命力的领域。我们借由“传统”,可以探索“现代主义者”和“拟古主义者”之间动态的互相作用和对峙冲突;并且在高度美学化的形式和实践中,得以更加深入地了解“传统”的意义。
Modern Archaics: Continuity and Innovation in the Chinese Lyric Tradition, 1900-1937, by Shengqing Wu,examines innovations that occurred in the ci词(lyric) and shi诗 poetic forms in the first three decades of the twentieth century until the Japanese invasion of China. The book successfully challenges the idea that classical-style poetry lost its significance in China when a new political order came into being after the Revolution of 1911, which brought about the end of the Qing dynasty and the emergence of the New Culture Movement that asserted the primacy of writing in modern vernacular Chinese(白话文). Wu argues that the composition of classical-style poetry during the first three decades of the twentieth century offered its practitioners a textual and social space for subjective reflection, literary imagination, and stylistic innovation that allowed these poets to re-affirm their collective identities and re-consolidate their cultural memory. This is true, and I would submit that it also gave them a chance to speak in a more culturally"authentic" voice that had become all the more important in a world experiencing profound changes. Wu seeks to take us beyond the tradition/modernity dichotomy into a more complex world of interaction between the two, and her exposition is compelling. This work is a significant achievement, and a great inspiration to further research and reflection. Within this paradoxically interdependent framework, scholars can view tradition as a vibrant site and an exploratory device to detect dynamic reciprocities and dramatic confrontations between the modern and the archaic and, more specifically,explore their realization in highly aestheticized forms and practices.
Jon Eugene von Kowallis〔Australia〕;Lu Shan(The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia NSW 2052;Chinese Language and Literature Department, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028, Zhejiang, China)
Yangtze River Academic
Classical-style Poetry
Modern Archaics