In 1924, the Communist Party of China and the Kuomintang conducted the first cooperation. During the first time of the co-operation of the Communist Party of China, the Communists took advan-tage of the Kuomintang's resource conditions and effectively expanded their social influence, so that the Chinese Communist Party's character and purpose were strongly spread;at the same time, the coopera-tion promoted the development of the industrial and agricultural movement, and expanded the mass base of the Chinese Communist Party. It also effectively cooperates with the development of the national revolution;through the first cooperation, the key force of the Communist Party is also exercised, the Par-ty's team is expanded, and the Communist Party of China has become an open and influential party from the previous secret party, and therefore, the first time of the State-to-State cooperation While help-ing to win the national revolution, it has also become a platform for the Communist Party of China to grow and grow openly. However, the Communist Party gave up its leadership of the revolutionary United front. Therefore, when the counter-revolutionary forces launched the counter-revolutionary coup d'é tat in 1927, the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party collapsed rapidly, and the Communists also paid the price. This has left a historical lesson for our party: in the United front, we must adhere to the equality and independence of the party;to establish a revolutionary United front, we must adhere to the correct leadership of the party and implement the policies and strategies of the Unit-ed front.
Yan Jin(School of Politics and Administration,West China normal University 637000)
Modern Agriculture Research
KMT-CPC cooperation
lessons learned