G. W.莱布尼茨是近代西方哲学史上最卓越的先驱之一。他从不同角度对"物体是实体还是现象"的哲学问题的阐释,使得其哲学的全景系统呈现出较大的差异。他一方面认为物体作为现象是意识派生的存在,物体具有的实在性处于意识具有的统一性之下。另一方面,他把物理学上的物体概念也作为实体来积极地进行解释。他关于物体概念的定位使得其哲学系统难以为人所理解。从莱布尼茨物体哲学出发,通过系统探讨他的"力"的概念的变迁,可以发现莱布尼茨对"力"的概念的二元化的积极评价阐明了物体具有的两义性,即实在性和现象性。而运动作为现象的性质也拓展了他所处时代力学的学问领域。在此意义上,"力"的概念问题的深化于莱布尼茨而言是划时代的成果。对"力"的概念问题的理解也有助于我们洞悉其物体哲学系统的精髓。
G.W.Leibniz is one of the most outstanding pioneers in the history of modern western philosophy. His two ways of explaining the question of “whether the object is entity or phenomenon” make his philosophical panorama show great difference. One kind of interpretation emphasizes the reality of “active derivative force” and “passive derivative force”,and the other emphasizes that the reality of things is lower than the “one” nature of spirit. Through the change of the concept of force and the positive evaluation of the dualization of the concept of force,he clarifies the two meanings of objects-reality and phenomenon. At the same time,the nature of motion as a phenomenon also expanded the field of learning of mechanics at that time. In this. In a sense,the deepening of the concept of force is an epoch-making achievement for Leibniz.
QI Ming-hao(School of Philosphy and Sociology,Shanxi University,Taiyuan030006,China)
Chinese Journal of Systems Science