
杭州净慈寺后慧日峰佛教摩崖窟龛造像 被引量:2

The Buddhist Cliff Sculptures on the Huiri Peak behind the Jingci Monastery in Hangzhou
摘要 净慈寺是杭州著名的禅宗寺院,始建于五代后周显德元年(954)。寺后慧日峰北麓山腰处的石佛洞与无名洞造像应为吴越国净慈寺的重要组成部分。石佛洞内现存的造像主要有正壁大龛内的三世佛坐像与南壁上层大龛内的卢舍那佛并骑狮文殊、骑象普贤像,二龛均应雕造于公元954年净慈寺创建后不久的10世纪50年代。其中,石佛洞正壁大龛的雕凿应略早一些。二龛为研究杭州地区的三世佛与卢舍那佛崇拜提供了珍贵的实物资料。特别是施双手上举这种特殊手印的卢舍那佛三尊像龛,应是迄今发现的最早的此类龛像。无名洞内的小龛应表现西方三圣像,雕造年代也应在十世纪中期净慈寺开山建寺不久,反映了西方三圣像在吴越国流行,并且继承着唐代造像样式。 The Jingci Monastery founded in the first year of Xiande Era(954 AD)of the Later Zhou Dynasty in the Five-Dynasties Period is a famous monastery of the Chan(Zen)Sect of Buddhism in Hangzhou.The sculptures of the Stone Buddha Cave and Unnamed Cave would be important parts of the Jingci Monastery of the Wuyue Kingdom.The extant sculptures in the Stone Buddha Cave are mainly the seated statues of the“Buddhas of the Three Worlds”in the large niche on the fa ade wall of the cave,and the statue of Vairocana flanked by Manju ri mounted on a lion and Samantabhadra mounted on an elephant in the large niche on the upper row of the south wall;both of these niches would be opened soon after the founding of the Jingci Monastery in 954 AD,namely the later half of the 950s AD,and the large niche on the fa ade wall would be carved earlier.These two niches provide valuable physical materials for the studies on the worships of the“Buddhas of the Three Worlds”and Vairocana;especially,the Vairocana triad with the mudra of raising both hands upwards,a special gesture for Buddhist statues,would be the earliest case of this type of niche statues found to date.The small niches in the Unnamed Cave would also show the motif of Western Trinity Buddha,and they would also be opened not long after the founding of the Jingci Monastery,which re flected the popularity of the Western Trinity Buddha in the Wuyue Kingdom and their inheritance of the forms of the Buddhist sculptures of the Tang Dynasty.
作者 常青 Chang Qing
出处 《文博》 北大核心 2019年第2期19-26,共8页
关键词 净慈寺 佛教造像 卢舍那 西方三圣 Jingci Monastery Buddhist Sculptures Vairocana Western Trinity Buddha
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