
民事公益诉讼视野下格式条款之司法规制路径 被引量:1

Judicial Regulation of Standard Terms in the Field of Civil Public Interest Litigation
摘要 《最高人民法院关于审理消费民事公益诉讼案件适用法律若干问题的解释》明确将格式条款争议确认为公益诉讼适用对象。该诉讼机制因不受"主观权利"和"意思自治"的束缚,而在规制格式条款方面具有"提升程序启动频率""扩大个案裁判辐射面"等独特优势。然上述突破并未获得相关实体法的及时策应,由此衍生出"格式条款无效溯及力困惑"。建议将《民法总则》第155条修改为"无效的或者被撤销的民事法律行为自始没有法律约束力,但就民事公益诉讼有特殊规定的除外",并在以《合同法》第40条为代表的格式条款无效规范原有内容中增加"在消费民事公益诉讼中所作无效判决无溯及力"的表述。 "The Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in the Conduct of Consumer Civil Public Interest Litigations" formally included disputes about Standard Terms in the realm of public interest actions. The latter has its unique advantage in "rising program activation frequency" and "expanding the coverage of individual cases ", as it is free from the constraint of "subjective right" and "autonomy of will".However, the breakthrough above had not been supported timely by corresponding substantial laws, which resulted in "doubt in ineffectiveness of retrospective effect in Standard Terms". Therefore it is advised to modify Article 155 of the "General Principles of Civil Law" as:"Invalid or rescinded civil juristic acts are not legally bound since the beginning,with the exception of those civil public interest litigation with special regulations." And as to the original norms of ineffectiveness of Standard Terms represented by Article 40 of the "Contract Law", it is advised to add the following:"Retrospective effect does not apply to invalid judgment based on conduct of consumer civil public interest litigation".
作者 张瑞 Zhang Rui(Zhongnan University of Econom ics and Law, Wuhan 430073, China)
出处 《湖北警官学院学报》 2019年第2期57-68,共12页 Journal of Hubei University of Police
基金 国家留学基金委2017年国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目(留金发[2017]3109号)阶段性成果
关键词 格式条款 公益诉讼 主观权利 意思自治 溯及力 Standard Terms Public Interest Litigation Subjective Right Autonomy of Will Retrospective Effect
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