
水泥净浆孔结构数值模拟及验证 被引量:1

Numerical simulation and verification of pore structure in cement paste
摘要 根据CEMHYD3D原始模型,结合数字图像基技术,研发了用于模拟水泥净浆体系水化进程和微结构演变的数值模型,通过该模型获取了相同水灰比(W/C=0.40)不同龄期(28d和7d)及不同水灰比(W/C=0.40和0.80)相同龄期(7d)的水泥净浆体系水化过程中毛细孔数目及空间分布的演变规律,并与压汞测试结果对比。结果表明,该水化模型能很好地模拟水泥净浆体系水化进程和微结构演变,为水泥净浆孔结构的研究提供简便的方法。模拟结果中孔隙率较压汞测试偏小,偏差为7.46%~15.24%;孔比表面积较压汞测试偏大,偏差为14.61%~26.78%。随着龄期延长,水灰比减小,这种效应被削弱。 Based on CEMHYD3D archetype and digital image technology,a numerical model for simulating hydration process and microstructural evolution in cement paste is developed. The pore structure and pore size distribution of the same water-cement ratio(W/C=0.40) of different ages(28 d and 7 d) and different water cement ratio(W/C=0.40 and 0.80) of the same age(7 d) in hydration process of net cement paste system are researched using the model. The results show that the hydration process and microstructure evolution of cement paste system can be well simulated by this hydration model,which provides a simple method for the study of pore structure in cement paste. The simulation results showed that the porosity was lower than MIP results with deviation errors of 7.46%~15.24% and pore specific surface area was greater than MIP results with deviation errors of 14.61%~26.78%. The effect is weakened as age increases or water-cement ratio decreases.
作者 熊晨超 XIONG Chenchao(Architectural Enigineering Institute,Yiwu Industrial and Commercial College,Yiwu 322000,China)
出处 《新型建筑材料》 北大核心 2019年第4期42-45,共4页 New Building Materials
关键词 水泥净浆 孔结构 数值模拟 压汞测试 cement paste pore structure numerical simulation MIP
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