Electric discharge plasma(EDP)can efficiently degrade aqueous pollutants by its in situ gen erated strong oxidative species(OH,0,H2O2.O.etc)“nd other physiochemical effects(UV irradiation,shockwaves,local high temperature,etc),but a high energy consumptions limit the application of EDP in water treatment.Some adsorbents,catalysts,and oxida nts have been employed for en hanci ng the degradation of pollutants by discharge plasma.These hybrid plasma technologies offer improved water treatment performance compared to dischai'ge plasma alone.This paper reviews the water decontamination performance and mechanisms of these hybrid plasma technologies,and some suggestions on future water treatment technologies based on discharge plasma are also proposed.
Kefeng SHANG
Jie LI
商克峰;李杰;Rino MORENT(School of Electrical Engineering.Dalian University of Technology.Dalian 116024,People's Republic of China;Department of Applied Physics,Ghent University.Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41 B4.9000 Gent.Belgium)