This work consider boundary integrability of the weak solutions of a non-Newtonian compressible fluids in a bounded domain in dimension three, which has the constitutive equartions as ■The existence result of weak solutions can be get based on Galerkin approximation. With the linear operator B constructed by BOGOVSKII, we show that the density ■is square integrable up to the boundary.
This work consider boundary integrability of the weak solutions of a non-Newtonian compressible fluids in a bounded domain in dimension three, which has the constitutive equartions as ■The existence result of weak solutions can be get based on Galerkin approximation. With the linear operator B constructed by BOGOVSKII, we show that the density ■ is square integrable up to the boundary.
Shanshan GUO
Zhong TAN
郭闪闪;谭忠(School of Mathematical Sciences, Xiamen University;School of Mathematical Sciences and Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory on Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing, Xiamen University)
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11271305,11531010)