利用蒙特卡罗程序GATE建立6 MV的Elekta Synergy加速器治疗头模型,探究模拟方法的可行性。根据Elekta公司提供的参数,真实模拟加速器治疗头的各个组件。对入射电子束参数进行调整,得到最佳的平均能量6.5 MeV以及焦斑半峰全宽3 mm。在源皮距为100 cm,射野大小为5 cm×5 cm到30 cm×30 cm的情况下,分别计算均匀水模体中的吸收剂量。模拟得到的百分深度剂量和射野离轴比与实验结果进行匹配,吻合良好。采用γ方法分析,按照3%/3 mm的标准,通过率为100%。结果表明GATE程序可以用于加速器治疗头模拟,为放射治疗应用研究提供一种可选方法。
The purpose of this work is to build a therapy head model of 6 MV Elekta Synergy accelerator using Monte Carlo code GATE, and to investigate the feasibility of this simulation method. According to the parameters provided by Elekta, the components of the accelerator therapy head were simulated. The optimal mean energy of 6.5 MeV and full width at half maxima spot of 3 mm were obtained by adjusting the parameters of incident electron beam. The absorbed doses in uniform water phantom were calculated with radiation fields ranging from 5cm×5 cm to 30 cm×30 cm at the source skin distance of 100 cm. The simulated percentage depth doses and off axis ratios were in good agreement with the experimental results. The gamma-index comparisons were performed and pass rates of 100% were found by the criteria of 3%/3 mm. This work demonstrates that GATE program can be used to simulate the accelerator therapy head, providing an alternative method for radiotherapy applications.
WU Kuan;WANG Xingliu;KE Wei;XUE Jiangfen(Radiotherapy Center, The First People’s Hospital of Fuyang Hangzhou, Hangzhou Zhejiang 311400, China)
China Medical Devices