We conducted experimental and numerical studies on the vibrating modes of a dragon wash basin (DWB) and the free surface waves inside the DWB. Both the vibration of the DWB and the sound produced were studied carefully. It was found that the DWB can be excited at different intrinsic modes under different excitation, including striking and rubbing it fast/slowly. However, with gentle rubbing, the DWB will be excited mainly at the first vibrating mode. We showed that the concave side wall of a DWB decreases the intrinsic frequencies (compared with a straight side wall), and the ears of a DWB lead to breaking of the vibrating-axisymmetry and cause the separation of modes I/II and IV/V as well. A theoretical model, in which the water is assumed to be incompressible and inviscid, is applied to the first order vibration and predicts the relation of vibrating frequency versus water depth in the system. The measurement shows that both the radial and azimuthal waves are produced as DWB is working. The frequency of the first component of the surface wave is twice as large as the second one induced by non-linear effects. For both the radial and azimuthal waves, the dispersion relation is presented in the framework of capillary wave theory.
the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grants 11172241 and 11472220).