目的调查医学类新生口腔健康状况并进行口腔健康干预,促进大学生口腔健康。方法 2014年9月~2015年12月对江西省抚州市某高校医学类新生1 435人进行口腔流行病学调查发现,龋病、牙结石、牙列拥挤及智齿萌出异常四种口腔疾病发生概率较高,将医学类新生分为干预组A组(475人)、干预B组(489人)和对照组(471人),对干预组进行口腔健康教育,在口腔健康教育前后均对干预组和对照组进行口腔健康状况及口腔问卷调查,对龋病发病率和充填率、牙结石检出率、牙列拥挤和智齿萌出异常情况,以及口腔知识知晓、正确刷牙及口腔就诊情况进行分析比较。结果口腔健康干预前,医学类新生口腔龋病、牙结石检出率高,分别为44.74%和59.30%,口腔健康知识知晓率和口腔疾病就诊率低,分别为58.75%和10.52%。干预后,龋病发病率、牙结石检出率降低,口腔健康知识知晓率、口腔疾病就诊率大幅度提高。其中口腔专业学生口腔健康干预效果与口腔老师间差异无统计学意义(干预后龋病充填率、牙结石检出、牙列拥挤矫治、智齿萌出异常拔除χ2值分别为0.272、0.247、1.495、0.060,P值均>0.05)。结论口腔健康干预有助于提高医学类新生的口腔健康状况及行为,口腔健康教育过程中,可以用口腔专业学生进行口腔健康教育。
Objective To investigate and intervene the oral health status in the medical new students, to promote their oral health. Methods: Take oral epidemiology survey in 1 435 medical new students in a university in Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province from September 2014 to December 2015,showed that dental caries,dental stones,crowded malalinement,and abnormal eruption of wisdom teeth were higher probability of occurrence,the new students of the medical class were divided into the intervention group A 475 people, the intervention group B 489 people and the control group 471 people, oral health education was carried out in the intervention group,oral health status and oral survey were conducted before and after oral health education in the intervention group and control group,analyze and compare the result of the incidence and filling rate of dental caries, the detection rate of dental calculi, crowded malalinement,the abnormal eruption of wisdom teeth, oral knowledge,the correct brushing of teeth and the status of oral treatment.Results: Before oral health intervention, the rate of dental caries and dental calculus in medical new students are high,were 44.74 % and 59.30 % respectively. The rate of oral health knowledge awareness and the rate of oral disease treatment were low, 58.75 % and 10.52 % respectively.After the oral health education, the caries incidence rate and dental calculus detection rate are lower, the oral health knowledge awareness rate and visiting the dentists rate are substantially rise. To compared the oral health intervention effect between the oral students and oral teacher, no statistical significance(P>0.05). Conclusion: Oral health intervention is helpful to improve the oral health status and behavior in the medical new students, in the oral health education can use the oral students.
ZHOU Lili;LV Jianping;ZHOU Deping(Fuzhou Medical College of None hang University,Fuzhou,Jiangxi344000,China)
Henan Journal of Preventive Medicine
Medical students
Oral health education