提出了一种基于DNA随机编码与Lorenz混沌映射的图像加密算法.首先将明文图像输入到SHA-256生成摘要信息,利用该摘要信息作为安全密钥输入到Lorenz混沌映射中,产生加密所需的伪随机序列;然后,利用Lorenz混沌序列对图像的像素值进行置换,并随机生成DNA掩码;最后利用DNA运算规则对图像进行DNA随机编码,实现图像加密.理论分析和实验结果证明,经该加密系统加密后的图像相邻像素相关性接近0,信息熵为7.998 715,密钥空间大小为2256,能够抵御统计攻击、暴力攻击、差分攻击等常见的攻击手段,具有很高的安全性.
An image encryption algorithm is proposed based on the DNA random coding combined with Lorenz chaotic map. First, SHA-256 hash of the plain image generates the abstract which is utilized to yield secure keys. Iterating Lorenz chaotic map with the initial parameters based on the secure keys, the pseudonumbers sequences are obtain. Second, the Lorenz chaos sequences are exploited to permute the pixels and yield random DNA masks. Finally, the encrypted-image is randomly encoded with DNA rules. Theoretical analysis and computer simulation indicate that the proposed encryption scheme has low correlation closed to0, information entropy 7.998 715 and 2256 bit key space and assistance to statistical attack, brute-force attack and differential attack. It has high level of security.
HUA Jian-Xiang;Qu Xia(Automation Engineering Department,Fujian Forestry Vocational and Technical College,NanPing,Fujian 353000,China)
Journal of Ningde Normal University(Natural Science)