
国家与网络之间:战前环南中国海地区华侨小微商号的经营策略 被引量:1

Business Strategies of the Overseas Chinese Small Firms in South China Sea Region before the World War II:Based on Pek Sam Choon’s Business Letters(1927-1932)
摘要 已有关于战前海外华商企业经营策略的研究,多遵循两个路径:一为关系与网络;一为国家。前者强调华商企业对华商网络的依赖,后者主张应重视民族国家对华商网络形成的制度约束,进而影响到华商企业经营策略上的抉择。从新加坡"白三春"茶行的经营策略来看,其较为成功地融合了"民族国家"与"华商网络"这两种被已有研究视为对立的社会资源。一方面,该茶行将自身经营行为与近代中国政治社会演变的主旋律相结合,以获得来自祖籍地及中国的助力;另一方面,藉着历史时期形成且发展至近代的华商网络,茶行灵活运用移居地区的本土资源,在采购与销售两端缓解20世纪以降各种跨国危机对其日常经营所带来的冲击。透过"白三春"茶行的经营实践,可进一步加深学界对二战以前海外小微华商企业经营策略的理解。 About the studies on the business strategies of overseas Chinese businessmen before the war, they usually have followed two approaches: one was GuanXi and Network;the other was State. The former emphasized the dependence of Chinese business enterprises on the Chinese business network. The latter advocated that the State's institutional constraints on the formation of Chinese business networks should be emphasized, which in turn affected the Chinese business enterprises' choice of business strategies. Judging from the business strategy of Singapore's small tea business Pek Sam Choon , it has successfully integrated the “State” and the “Network”, which were considered to be opposed. On the one hand, they combined their business with the main theme of modern Chinese political and social evolution, so as to obtain helps from the ancestral homeland and China. On the other hand, through the Chinese business network which formed historical and developed to the modern times, it flexibly used the local resources of the emigrated area to ease the impact of various transnational crises on their daily operations in the twentieth century. Through the business practice of Pek Sam Choon , we could further deepen our understanding of the business strategy of overseas small Chinese business enterprises before the World War Ⅱ.
作者 水海刚 Shui Haigang
出处 《中国经济史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期53-62,共10页 Researches in Chinese Economic History
基金 福建省社会科学规划项目"近代南洋华侨商业文书整理与研究"(批准号:FJ2018B100)阶段性成果之一
关键词 海外小微华商 华商网络 经营策略 环南中国海地区 Small Overseas Chinese Firms Business Networks South China Sea Rim,Business Strategies
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