
不同施磷量对烟草生长及产量的影响 被引量:8

Effects of Different Phosphorus Application Rate on Growth and Yield of Tobacco
摘要 为探明不同施磷量对烟草云烟87生长发育和产量的影响,探讨适合贵州省黔东南州烟草种植区的最适宜磷肥施用量,以期为烟草生产中磷肥的合理施用提供科学依据。采用田间小区试验,设置CK、M、P0、P1、P2和P36个施肥处理,调查各处理烟草生育期内烟株主要的农艺性状、病害发生情况、烘烤后各处理烟叶产量。结果表明:在所有处理中,烟草的农艺性状、抗病能力和产量,以P3处理最好。在成熟期,与CK处理相比,P3处理烟株的株高、最大叶面积、叶片数、茎围、节间距和根体积分别增加了63. 19%,72. 67%,78. 93%,37. 93%,13. 65%,161. 79%;与P0处理相比,P3处理烟株的株高、最大叶面积、叶片数、茎围和根体积分别增加了15. 90%,21. 46%,23. 61%,11. 25%,28. 75%。与CK和P0处理比较,P3处理烟株赤星病、花叶病和黑胫病的发病率分别降低了7. 51,7. 92,6. 68和3. 66,6. 52,4. 72百分点,病情指数分别降低了56. 12%,45. 53%,51. 33%和33. 72%,31. 97%,43. 53%。与CK和P0处理比较,P3处理烟叶产量分别提高了120.62%,28.51%,在贵州省黔东南州烟区烟草适宜化学磷肥施用量为112. 5 kg/hm2,建议在本烟区推广应用,同时可为相近地区烟草磷肥施用提供参考。 The effects of different phosphorus application rate on growth and yield of tobacco Yunyan 87 were studied to explore the suitable phosphorus application rate in Qiandongnan prefecture tobacco region, Guizhou province, and to provide scientific basis for phosphorus fertilizer application in tobacco production.A field plot experiment was conducted, which was established six fertilizer treatments, i.e.CK, M, P0,P1, P2 and P3.In the growth period of tobacco, main agronomic characters, diseases situation and yield of flue-cured tobacco were recorded and investigated.The results showed that P3 treatment was the best treatment, which had good field growth, good agronomic characters, strong disease-resistant ability and high yield of the all fertilizer treatments.At mature stage, as compared with CK treatment, tobacco plant of P3 treatment increased plant height, maximum leaf area, leaf numbers, stem girth, internodal length and root volume by 63.19%, 72.67%,78.93%,37.93%,13.65% and 161.79%, respectively;As compared with P0 treatment, tobacco plant of P3 treatment increased plant height, maximum leaf area, leaf numbers, stem girth and root volume by 15.90%,21.46%,23.61%,11.25% and 28.75%, respectively.As compared with CK and P0 treatment, tobacco plant of P3 treatment decreased incidence of Red star disease, Mosaic and Black shank by 7.51, 7.92, 6.68 and 3.66, 6.52, 4.72 percentage point, decreased disease index of Red star disease, Mosaic and Black shank by 56.12%, 45.53%, 51.33% and 33.72%, 31.97%, 43.53%, respectively.As compared with P2 and P0 treatment, P3 treatment increased tobacco leaf yield by120.62% and 28.51%, respectively.The suitable chemical phosphorus fertilizer application rate was 112.5 kg/ha in Qiandongnan prefecture tobacco land, Guizhou province.Therefore, it is suitable to be extended in this tobacco region and can provide a reference in its neighbouring areas.
作者 汤宏 李向阳 曾掌权 王建伟 刘伦沛 刘立波 TANG Hong;LI Xiangyang;ZENG Zhangquan;WANG Jianwei;LIU Lunpei;LIU Libo(School of Life and Health Science,Kaili University,Kaili 556011,China;Hunan Academy of Forestry,Hengshan Research Station of Forest Ecosystem,Changsha 410004,China)
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第A01期201-207,共7页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
基金 贵州省科学技术基金项目(黔科合LH字[2014]7220) 贵州省教育厅特色重点实验室项目(黔教合KY字[2017]011).
关键词 烟草 施磷量 生长 产量 Tobacco Phosphorus application rate Growth Yield
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