The overall operation of the knitting industry in the first three quarters of 2018 was on the whole steady.According to the statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics,the operating income of 6,060 enterprises beyond the designated scale reached 496.64 billion yuan,registering a year-on-year increase of around 5.32%,and the growth rate dropped by 3.63%compared with the same period last year.The operating income growth rate was higher than that of the textile industry by 1.17%.Among them,around 2,526 enterprises above the designated scale accomplished 218.51 billion yuan of the operating income,registering a year-on-year increase of 7.09%,and the growth rate dropped by 2.12%compared with the same period last year.3,490 knitwear enterprises above the designated scale actualized the operating income of 278.13 billion yuan.