欧盟作为最早发布实施欧盟有机农业法规体系的地区,为了满足有机农业可持续发展的需要,分别于2007和2018年对有机农业相关标准和法规进行了重新修订。本文分析了现行的欧盟有机农业法规体系、最新发布的欧盟有机农业法规EU 2018/848修订背景和进展、新法规中主要变化信息以及可能产生的影响。由于现行的欧盟有机标准和贸易规定的变化,中国应积极开展与欧盟有机产品认证现状和法律法规互认的可行性研究,为中国有机农产品进入欧盟市场,进而为实现有机农产品认证互认合作提供相应对策和建议。
In order to solve the environmental and food safety problems caused by global conventional agriculture, European Union began to promulgate and implement the EU organic legislation system in 1991 for sustainable agriculture development, which was revised in 2007 and 2018. In this paper, we analyze the current EU organic legislation system and its amendment,as well as the progress of the latest EU organic regulation EU 2018/848.Considering the main changes in the new regulations and their possible impact on organic products trade, it is necessary to actively carry out a feasibility study on the status of organic certification and mutual recognition of organic standard between China and EU in the next few years, and put forward some corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to promote the mutual organic products trade.
World Agriculture